Yep, as pis#*ed off as she obviously was at losing to a young Russian..............did I say lose???????? sorry, I meant got thrashed................she then proceeded in her speech to say "and I thank my god Jehovah for getting me here." or something to that effect! Now this is when I got confused. She thanked Jehovah for losing? Ah, if she was TRULEY spiritual she would know that Jehovah musn't have been happy with her and her skirt hence her losing! Oh well, those dubs are well trained to twist things in their heads to suit their situation and find validation.
I wonder if the elders will have to call her AND her mother out to the back room after the next meeting, for some counsel? After all, my kids were shunned and counselled for having long side burns and a pierced nose, yet mom Williams on TV shown all round the world is sporting a rather large nose ring for all to see. Mmmmmmmmm, that is a good witness ! Hey, I don't have a problem with people piercing but I do with inconsistencies!
Anyhow, just having a bit of fun sharing some dub hypocricy!
Cheers, Bliss