Yep, as pis#*ed off as she obviously was at losing to a young Russian..............did I say lose???????? sorry, I meant got thrashed................she then proceeded in her speech to say "and I thank my god Jehovah for getting me here." or something to that effect! Now this is when I got confused. She thanked Jehovah for losing?
actually it is somewhat odd for a JWS to thank Jehovah (at least in public) for "worldy things. I have seen a lot of "born-again" persons, thank jesus but well i found it odd she would publically thank jehovah. Most JWs who get in those positions sort of keep the fact they are JWS quiet, at least they used to. Maybe we have a new kind of JWS here. It must be hard on other kids to see them playing a sport, and be great at it and pursing their dream, when other jws kids are not even allowed to do this in their schools. My son, in lhis 20's is still PO'd that he did not get to play football.
Ithese girls seem sincere, just seems strange they get to do this wihout repercussions. If i were a jws kid now, i'd use them as a reason to play sports. But knowing jws, they will tell their kids, "just b/c they make poor choices does not mean u must"