in my opinion the WT has an unofficial don't-ask-don't-tell policy with high profile JW's such as the Williams sisters that allows them to get away with far more than the r&f.
I'd say!!
Edited: That's Venus not Serena.
by BLISSISIGNORANCE 37 Replies latest social current
in my opinion the WT has an unofficial don't-ask-don't-tell policy with high profile JW's such as the Williams sisters that allows them to get away with far more than the r&f.
I'd say!!
Edited: That's Venus not Serena.
she then proceeded in her speech to say "and I thank my god Jehovah for getting me here."
Oh, I get it. Jehovah helps her in her tennis career but has no time or inclination to protect victims of child abuse?
I fail to see the problem, here. Sure, her faith is not orthodox Dubbism, but shouldn't we be glad that the Tower is cracking like that? No need to be snide about it.
I don't mind what the Williams girls are doing - it's healthy and normal to be playing tennis. I just deplore the hypocrisy as other jw youths are told not to pursue their passions, whether it be athletics, acting, singing, or other endeavors.
Agreed!So true.
I don't think the WT is cracking for everyday people,only towards people who are famous and bring in the money.
If I was a still a JW and my daughter was involved and I put her in a competive sport...whoa...I can imagine the "mark" ,I would get.
Nothing against your opinion czar,but this is how I see it.
Hm. I don't know. To become a famous athlete requires years of hard work and effort, they couldn't have done all that with complete opposition from the borg...
And just before I left I knew several parents who were letting their kids play football, etc... I think the WT's grip is slipping, although its dogma might remain as vicious as ever, I think they just don't have the tight grip they did back inthe seventies...
Serena/Venus Williams Active JWs?
Q. You could buy the whole program, make it into a Venus Williams program. I wanted to ask if you feel comfortable talking about this. I know you're a Jehovah's Witness. Do you actively visit and witness? Can you tell me a little bit about that?
VENUS WILLIAMS: Do I actively visit and witness?
Q. I'm not that familiar with that religion.
VENUS WILLIAMS: I understand.
Q. What does that entail for you? What do you do, I guess, to actively be involved in your religion?
VENUS WILLIAMS: Well, we believe -- it's just like tennis. You can't just go once a month and expect your game to be on top. You have to reiterate everything. We believe in good association, association with fellow Witnesses, not becoming too involved with people that don't have the same beliefs and same values that we do. We go to meetings three times a week. They encourage us. You learn there, you learn more, just continue learning until you get a better understanding of things. I guess you are aware that we do house-to-house witnessing. I can't do that at all because I'm on the road. Getting more popular, I don't know if I can go house-to-house. I'm thinking about that. People are going to say, "What about the women?" I'll say, "What about this?" I was thinking about that.
Q. Have you done that a few times?
VENUS WILLIAMS: Yes, ever since I was little. Generally, I can speak to people about it.
"And then it was rumoured I was dating a couple of married men, I didn't like that at all. It was outrageous." The men in question were both hulking gridiron stars, LaVar Arrington and Keyshawn Johnson, and clearly a veil has been thrown over their existence. Serena, a Jehovah's Witness, is trying to adhere to the teachings of her church.
"We don't believe in dating unless you're ready to get married. I've never dated anybody. It's good to get experience under your belt but you should never get wild or go crazy. That's how I look at it. If I can't see myself with this person for life - I can't be bothered. I can't waste my time.
"I have some really good men friends but I believe in no sex before marriage. No fornicating. Stuff like that. I really believe in that. I mean, I'm not perfect. It's hard to live by Bible standards but I'm really comfortable with me. There's so much peer pressure. So much pressure, period. I've just removed myself from it. I don't know if I'll fall in love again."
Jamie: I didn't know that Jehovah's Witnesses were allowed to dance.
Serena: See that's the problem with our religion. People say things that aren't true. What religion doesn't allow you to dance? So I don't understand who fabricated that. It makes some people think bad upon the religion like "Oh well, I don't want to be a part of a religion that won't let you dance, Serena."
Jamie: Could you wear short skirts and stuff like that?
Serena: You would always catch me in a micro mini. Yeah, I've always worn my mini.
Jamie: That's since you became a tennis star, right?
Serena: No. Even before, I've always worn my skirts or whatever.
Jamie: That's very interesting because there is such a big misconception about the Jehovah's Witness religion.
Serena: There's a big misconception, which is unfortunate because some people think that it's almost a cult. And it's not at all. I mean, obviously, you don't wear a short skirt to the Kingdom Hall. You wear something modest. It doesn't mean that you can't. You are to use your own judgment, but you should judge with discretion. You wouldn't be walking around in something that's just absurd. That's not a good reflection on God and on my religion. So I'm not walking around in anything totally exposed.
Jamie: Your mom, Oracene, told me that whenever there were really hard times, the teachings at Kingdom Hall would always hit her at the right time. Has that been true for you?
Serena: Yeah, definitely.
Jamie: Do you go around from door to door?
Serena: I do from time to time. It's harder [but] that's not the only type of preaching work that we do. We do other types of preaching work, like me talking to you right now.
Jamie: Yes. You're explaining what the religion is like.
Serena: Yeah or just someone having a bad day and I say, "Well, there's a Scripture here; or there's an experience Jesus went through," or something like that. So that's also preaching. Yes, door-to-door is very important and it's something that all Witnesses do participate in. I haven't done it in a while because I'm traveling a lot and it's difficult. But when I do get a chance, I definitely try to go out and do door-to-door.
Jamie: How do they receive you?
Serena: Well, the last time I went this guy was like "I know who you are. I'm going to take the literature because I know who you are." So it really just depends.
Great articles, Blondie!
I was going to comment on a dress I saw Serena in (or OUT of) on TV, and I was trying to figure out how to describe it------and then I see where Glitter put the lady and her dress in her post! Tain't exactly "modest" if ya asked me!
The WTS owns two sets of scales, as usual.
You guys forget where they are from. I get busted all the time for posting how JWs really are. Infact the place were there sister was killed my mom was driving by in her escalade and was wondering why all this comotion and the reporters tried to rush the car. She thought that was weird until she found out what she had wondered into on the news that night.
In short the jws around here only have about 2 standards pregnancy and criminality. Both bring the wrath of the elders. The sister wear what ever they want. I must be a socal urban JW subculture. Because you are considering in good standing if you are single and have not ended up in jail or get anyone pregnant. So many are lost via attrition the elders voices are hoarse. I mean I was shocked about how some on this board say I was almost lieing when I was giving a ture account of how things work in my area. I was niave enought to think jwism was uniform at the time. So if you ever think of coming back to jws move here you can dust off your old mini.
Lemme see if I got this straight....Serena thanks Jehovah for allowing her to be a runner-up at Wimbledum. However HE allows a Russian to win...and wasn't it the RUSSIANS that just banned the JW's? Hmmm, what kind of statement is he making? We should analyze this.
While we're on the subject...Are the Dallas Cowboys really Jehovah's team? And when Muhammed Ali was winning titles he was thanking Allah. Does this mean that Jehovah controls tennis while Allah has the boxing concession? That means Jesus probably runs all amateur sports, especially high school football. And when will this great war in heaven come about? The one between Jehovah and Allah and who knows who else, for complete control of the sports world.
We all know that Satan runs the WWF...he took that over when he was kicked out of heaven in 1914. Being real pissed off he thought what better way to screw with people than to make them think that God really has a chance in hell against the GRAVEDIGGER!!! I gotta go now...way too much sugar on the cereal this morning.