Bush For President!

by Valis 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis

    Ya that's right Travis Bush for President! I figured we could have some immaginative fun since all the political stuff is flying around...So, if you were President what would you want to accomplish while in office? Here's what I would do.

    Designate more land for National Parks. Also allocate additional funds for the NPS.

    Downsize the millitary and focus more on special ops to fight terrorism abroad and intelligence gathering to that end.

    Push for the legalization of marijuana and establish a legal smoking age like alchohol.

    Give more money and resources to the National Endownment for the Arts..

    Push for a national initiative to place free Internet POPs in poor or disadvantaged areas of cities/states.

    Also support funding for new ways of creating environmentally friendly energy.

    Those would be some things I would try and do or want to be remembered for. What about you?


    District Overbeer

  • ApagaLaLuz

    I'd apply for a job as a White House Intern

  • Valis

    w00t! My first Intern! woot!


    District Overbeer of the "El Presidente" class

  • Stefanie
    Push for the legalization of marijuana and establish a legal smoking age like alchohol.

    VALIS FOR PRESIDENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Congrats on your 10000 posts!

  • jwbot

    Valis, I like the idea of pushing for more environmentally forms of energy...you would be a good pres.

    I do not see that happen with the current administration when they have STOCK in oil...yikes that is a dangerous combo.

  • Valis

    eh jw...I hope I am alive by the time we have our first female President. It really would be an entirely new role model for young girls, children and aspiring female politicians eh?

    Thanks Steph...


    District Overbeer

  • wednesday

    since i am a nurse, my area of concern is health care. In particular, mental health care. If u do not have a lot of money, u cannot get decent mental health care in Texas. And if u do not have a private psychiatrist whom u pay, u could get a diagnosis of schizophrenia, so common for very poor to get this. those with more money can get a better diagnosis, b/c it matters. the stigma will follow u the rest of your life. I have a well known insurance co. and they try their best to limit coverage. So i would work for full mental health parity, ie, same coverage as u get for medical problems. Those on medicad have horrible choices for mental health care. If u go to an ER and need mental health care, u will have, i believe ,2 choices, and they both are terrible. They often try to limit u to 24 hours in the hospital and that is for any kind of illness, ie even if u burned your home down, or set your hair on fire, u could have trouble getting ok'd for over 24 hours. I have been in the ER many nights, (working) talking to these bast**d insurance companies, and there must be a special hell for them. anyway, that is my platform, reform mental health care, starting in Texas, but i care about everyone.

    vote for me

  • Valis

    *LOL* wednesday...perhaps we can do rock paper scissors for it...


    District Overbeer

  • ApagaLaLuz
    I hope I am alive by the time we have our first female President. It really would be an entirely new role model for young girls, children and aspiring female politicians eh?

    We already had a female president for 8 years. Hilary

  • Satanus

    You got my vote, bush for president. Wait, i'm a canadian. Oh well.

    Hey wanna become prime minister of canader?


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