Bush For President!

by Valis 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • wednesday

    well, we don't have a prime minister, so who does Bush appoint over this kind of stuff? I want that job. since u are running, make up a job and i'll run for it.. u can be pres, i'm fine with that, just let me at the insurance companies.

  • Valis

    hmmm...wednesday...you could be President as long as I can be The "Vice" President..or we could make you Health Czarina...


    District Overbeer

  • ColdRedRain

    >>>>>>>>>>Designate more land for National Parks. Also allocate additional funds for the NPS.

    Better yet, cannibalize the state parks we have now as national parks.

    >>>>>>>>>>Downsize the millitary and focus more on special ops to fight terrorism abroad and intelligence gathering to that end.

    So what would happen if we got invaded or attacked? We just send a smaller army to fight the country that invaded or attacked us? Smart.....

    >>>>>>>Push for the legalization of marijuana and establish a legal smoking age like alchohol.

    Or better yet, keep it illegal. Weed just wouldn't be weed without it being illegal. It would be just like liquor.

    >>>>>>>>>>>>Give more money and resources to the National Endownment for the Arts..

    More than the billions they're getting now?

    >>>>Push for a national initiative to place free Internet POPs in poor or disadvantaged areas of cities/states.

    We have those. They're called "Libraries"

    >>>>>Also support funding for new ways of creating environmentally friendly energy.

    There is a way, but I'm sure the other Mr. Bush wouldn't like it. It's called nuclear energy. No terrorist-supporting fossil feuls, no inefficient wind power, no riperian ecosystem-damaging hydrodams.

    >>>>>>>>>Those would be some things I would try and do or want to be remembered for. What about you?

    I would be remembered for bringing a flat tax and making all except the richest 30% exempt from the tax. I would be remembered for making congressmen only earn the mean salary of the people they represent. Senators twice that. Presidents earn 3 times as much as the mean salaries of what the people make. And I would make it an unwritten tradition that presidents donate their salaries to special causes, because you and I know that presidents earn more money when they get out of the White House than when they're in. I would be remembered for cracking down on abusers of the saftey nets we have, so the real people in need could use them. And I would eliminate porkbarrelling.

  • gitasatsangha

    On the first day of office I would give a pardon to all non-violent drug offenders in Federal prison.

    Then I'd get some interns. Muhahahaha.

    Then I'd improve the whole "Illegal Immigrant" problem by invading Mexico and making everyone there a US citizen.

    For Fourth of July we'd Nuke the Moon. We'd encourage other nuclear powers to also nuke the moon in a sort of "Who Can REALLY nuke the moon" pyrotecnic contest. This would end our stockpiles of nuclear weapons after awhile and give thousands of aeropsace workers newfound work.

    Dick Chaney would be appointed ambassador to the moon (See above).

    Beam our television programming to China. It's made us dumb and lazy and it's time use our best weapons agaisnt someone else besides ourselves.

    Tawny Kittain: Secretary of Defense.

  • Mary

    Well here in Canada we don't have a President, we have a Prime Minister.....or someone who's pretending to be a Prime Minister.

    If I were running this country, I'd make the following changes:

    1. Bring back the death penalty for scum like Paul Bernardo, convicted pedophiles and anyone who starts viruses on the computers;
    2. Fire the morons we have in charge of Immigration Canada (half of them are immigrants who can't even speak English) and put a severe restriction on those who we let into this country. And any known terrorists would either meet with an accident or they'd be deported immediately. And for those that complain about "violating their Rights", I'd have a one-way ticket for your sorry ass to a Third World country too.
    3. All politicians' perks, like their expensive cars, "business" lunch and dinners which are almost never to do with business, would all be gone. You want a car? Pay for it out of your salary like everyone else has to. And I'd be cancelling all their outrageous "retirement" packages that they get after screwing the public for years. Sheila Copps, LOSER supreme wasn't wanted by any political party anymore so she gets nearly $200,000/year retirement as a send off for doing absolutely nothing.
    4. All these government "contracts" would be scrutinized under a microscope before these companies got one red cent. Anyone caught misusing public funds would be banished to northern Quebec.
    5. I'd be pouring ALOT more into our public Health Care System and our education system.
    6. Welfare would be revised too. I have a major problem with girls who have 5 and 6 illigitimate children from various men (none of whom are around) and then expect society to support them for the next 20 - 30 years. If you can't afford to raise the kid on your own, you give it up for adoption like they did years ago. In order to help prevent girls getting pregnant out of wedlock, all birth control for men and women would be free and available. And I mean everything from condoms, the Pill, IUD's, Deprovera (a shot you get at the doctor's and you're covered for 3-4 months), diaphrams, everything. You're never going to get teenagers to stop having sex, but at least you can do something about them getting pregnant. And if you're dumb enough to not use any protection and get pregnant---you're on your own.
    7. I'd implement the Do Not Call program up here that they have in the States. Not only would it apply to telemarketers, I'd also apply it to the WTB&TS.
    8. I'd cut way back on the billions of dollars that are spent on bilingualism in this country. There's a ton of things that we can't import into Canada because the companies in the foreign countries quite often don't want to pay for having everything put in French and English. Plus, Quebec has made it pretty clear that they don't want anything English within their borders, so what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
  • Valis
    So what would happen if we got invaded or attacked? We just send a smaller army to fight the country that invaded or attacked us? Smart.....

    *LOL* That is the goofiest thing I have heard all week!...Who's gonna attack, Mexico que si?? *LOL* Canada eh? *LOL*

    We have those. They're called "Libraries"

    um a POP is not just a group of computers...I'm talking about a wireless POP w/a massive radius...not just a couple hundred square feet..

    More than the billions they're getting now?



    District Overbeer

  • Sirius Dogma
    Sirius Dogma


    1 - I would extend the public school system from 13 years to 17 years, making the local junior colleges part of the public school system. I would also make it mandatory to learn 1 foreign language, computer use and programming skills.

    2 - I would give tax credits to familes who owned a computer and another tax credit for a computer purchased for a child in school.

    3 - I would give successful people of the community significant tax relief for teaching successfully in these schools.


    1 - I would close the loopholes in the tax code that corporations and the rich use

    2- I would increase(to a level higher than current) the tax rax of the super rich and lower(to a level lower than current) it if they gave back to the community


    1 - I would trim governmental waste and spending. Remove government contracts and slim down processes.

    2 - I would make it a capital crime to be a lobbyist

    3 - I would trim military waste and unnecesary military buildup. I would support the development and use of unmaned attack vehicles.

    4 - I would encourgage the development of alternative energy solutions and use these solutions to power the world.

    5 - I would encourge the development and production of biotechnology and technology.

    6 - I would increase funding to the space program and internationalize it.


    1 - I would decriminalize prostituion, gambling and marijuana, setup legal legislation for these things, tax the hell out of them, setup mandatory education in schools about such things and release those convicted of these related crimes.

    2 - I would change prisons to rehibiliation facilities instead of punishment facilities.

    3 - I would nationalize the healthcare system.


    1 - I would invite Canada and Mexico to join the union (I think that would make 76 states) and rename us to the USNA

    that's all i can think of for now.

  • Valis

    hmmm...maybe I'll vote for Sirius..


    District Overbeer

  • Englishman


    Psst. There's a message on your ansaphone and a post in the Admin section been sat there for days.

    Waddyawant? You want to walk from Gatwick or have me pick you up?



  • Sirius Dogma
    Sirius Dogma

    Thanks Travis - I would vote for you.

    The Pops idea is a great one. I think we should just use satellite technology though. Just use the same stuff they use in those expensive satellite phones to transmit and bingo. truly a World Wide Web.


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