Bush For President!

by Valis 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillbilly

    I'd run on the "Bull Moose" ticket and ask Yeru to retire from service and be my VP! "Walk softly and carry a big stick" works for me!

    A few of you guys would get the nod for Cabinet posts. Valis, Just2 laws and Gary B. to name a few... Minimus gets the nod for "inquisitor gerneral".

    Animal-- who know's, Sec of Transportation?

    Chevysntats-- the intern job is yours... unless the Department of Labor gig is more your speed!

    -------------Hill (what goes on in the Western hemisphere is my business, by god!)

  • Valis
    I'd run on the "Bull Moose" ticket and ask Yeru to retire from service and be my VP

    who would be the bull and who would be the moose?


    District Overbeer

  • ColdRedRain

    We thought nobody could attack us too on December 7th.... We thought wrong.

    And I'll ask you again, Valis, how would a small group of special ops fight against an army of a million people?

    (Which is a possibility since North Korea wants to start a war with us)

    As for your pop idea, why should we build a network for the disadvantaged when ISP service is within their means? ISP's around here run about $7.50 a month for dialup.

    Not broadband, but it gets you online.

  • Valis

    CRR...I think you are mixing up some old facts w/the current situation...It is rather absurd that any country or group of countries would attack our homeland now. We weren't prepared for what happened at Pearl Harbor because our technology sucked...we weren't prepared for 9/11 because again our technology sucked. I don't think we will ever stop determined terrorists, but efforts should be made to deterring them pre-emptively instead of having a huge millitary presence all over the world. More of a threat than say a full scale millitary attack on the US IMO . What if there were more intelligence soldiers/anti terrorist technology than just say deployed units ready to fight?.. Really I was just imagining a more intelligence based form that would cost less and be less obvious. Probably not reasonable, but one can dream eh?

    Oh and have you ever played Fortress America? Awesome game...I have the one with Saddam on the front of it...


    District Overbeer

  • wednesday
    Health Czarina...

    i accept your offer. thank u,

  • hillbilly

    Valis--for you, A nice spot in the ag dept or maybe diplomat to the Carribiean?
    I need the white guy with dreadlock vote...

    Blondie gets Atty General

  • ApagaLaLuz

    I want to work in the department that chooses who gives the press briefings. I think the American public would pay more attention to what comes out of the White House if the briefings were all done in the nude.

  • Valis

    illbilley maaan! I can do dat! Ambassada to da Carribeaaan maaan!!...If de don behev den we drop da bomba clot on dem! *LOL*

    Then again I could be the new Drug Czar...


    District Overbeer

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Okay you convinced me. I'll vote for Bush.

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