I just saw on the local news that a JW I have personally met and whose family I know was arrested for child pornography. He is only about 30 years old. This is the second case in 2 months involving an arrest for a child sex crime within the same congregation (the man on the news actually moved away a few years ago). Although I never would have suspected either of these two men, I am, unfortunately, not surprised. I've learned to expect anything from within the JWs. They have such a disproportionately large number of pedophiles. It won't be much longer before this organization takes a major hit.
by new light 61 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Is this what you are referring to?
District Overbeer
new light
No, Valis. I already checked that exact site and searched the man's name. It hasn't hit the net or papers yet. Probably tomorrow.
You didn't give us a location to search for info. If this is deleberate, understood. But if you can give us more info it would be appreciated.
new light
The story is not yet online. I already searched the person's name with no result. I do not feel comfortable giving out the name myself, as the person is not confirmed guilty and I don't really know all the details, just that he was arrested for child pornography via the internet. Feel free to search for yourself. Connecticut is a really small state. If I see the story online, I will certainly post a link. And I will be checking. Sorry, I just can't give out the name yet.
Yes, but the real question is: were there 2 witnesses that saw him taking the pictures, developing the film, and then putting them in album. Otherwise, we just can't make the charges stick.
new light
Here's the link to the exact TV report I saw last night. Trust me, this dude is a JW. His father is an elder heavily involved in the Regional Building Committee.
JWs will probably say that apostates hacked his computer and planted the pictures on his computer just like some have said about the letter on the UN site.
new light
Yeah, but, knowing the family, I have a hunch this is not the case. From the get-go, the elder father always seemed to me like a man with a hidden propensity for sexual excess and/or perversion. The father also works in a state penitentiary and has extensive contact with inmates. His other son (John's brother) was DF'ed after years of proving himself to be a sexual deviant. Now that both sons are proven perverts, I really have to wonder what kind of father they have.
New Light,
Did you know him in Rocky Hill?
Rocky Hill police got a tip from the Department of Children and Families that Foran, then living in Rocky Hill, was suspected of sexual abuse.
Over a year ago they recieved this tip of sexual abuse. Did the congregation he attended not do anything about him?