Just totaled my car.....

by pr_capone 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • pr_capone

    And even worse, like a dumbass... I still owe 11k on it and decided to drop the insurance down to liability to save a few hundered a year.

    I flipped the car like some shit out of the movies. I landed on my [deleted] head.

    I was driving when the car in front of me does an severe swerve, I didnt realize why he swerved until I look forward again and see a [deleted] truck parked there. When I say truck, I mean like a power company truck, one of those bigguns.

    Anyhow, the truck has a little ramp that it is towing to carry their shit in it and I clip the [deleted] thing. I go airborne and the car lands not on its side but right on the roof of the car. IT CRUSHED the passanger side of the car and the driver side was pretty [deleted] smashed as well.

    I was not wearing my seat belt but I made it through ok. A minor cut on my left arm and just sore as [deleted] everywhere.

    Thing is though, now I am in debt for the next 4 years for a car that I dont even have.

    Sucks to be me today.

    Kansas District Overbeer

  • Shutterbug

    Having been run thru more safety meetings than I can count during my working life, I can tell you that when you get injured, it is your fault almost 100 % of the time. A lot of folks have a problem coming to terms with that little fact but it is true. Just a suggestion, but if you go back over every detail of the incident you will see where you made several mistakes you made which could have been avoided. I would point them out to you, but if you find them, you will remember them.

    Sorry to hear about your accident, and please don't be angry with me for the previous paragraph. Bug

  • pr_capone

    I'm not gonna be angry bug.... I know that its my fault. Just a bit pissed and venting about it at the moment. The longer I sit still the more and I dont want to move. lol I am sooooo sore.

  • Yerusalyim


    Not to be a smart alec, but what company did you get a loan from that let you drop the comprehensive coverage while still owing money?

  • TresHappy

    I am glad you are OK, however isn't it required by your lending institution to be fully covered while the car is still be paid for?

  • pr_capone

    I refinanced my house and purchased the loan out directly. The house being held as collateral for the loan because I got a killer interest rate as opposed to the 12.9 I was paying through the car loan place.

  • Elsewhere

    Drag the car back to the bank and say: Hey, I don't want it anymore... you can have it.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Count your blessings. You're lucky to be typing here. Any chance that the truck was not properly parked? If so, they might be partially, if not totally financially responsible. Glad you're ok.

  • Yerusalyim

    Glad you're ok, sorry about the car.

  • Elsewhere

    Yeah, was the truck parked on side of the road? You may have a great lawsuit if he was parked partially in the road.


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