Both sets, Christians and Muslims, envisage a world where all those who disagree with them are destroyed.
Actually, the Christians I know do NOT believe this. I don't.
Oh Yeru, how can you be so dishonest with yourself?
There are many Christians in the USA who believe in their survival during the destruction of those who disagree with them. Anyone who believes in the rapture believes in this. Any Jehovah's Witness believes this.
Whether you or your friends believe it or not is irrelevent. Please try to follow the discussion. There are Christian Fanatics in the USA today who do (believe it). Lots of them. Just like some Islamic countries have Muslim Fanatics who believe that Islam will sweep the world by the sword.
They are both nasty, nasty people. Some of the Muslims actually commit acts of violence (we'll ignore the Christians who do as they are undeniably a smaller group at this stage in history), but both sets are waiting for you, me, everyone who disagrees with them to die, by their hands or those of a homocidal skyman.
Oh, by the way, have you read any genocide-based snuff novels recently? I wondered if you'd got tired of the religiously-based snuff novels.
I mean, what the hell difference is there between a neo-nazi reading fictional accounts of what they dream of and a fanatical Christian doing the same?
A good read? Pass me a bucket... if they were from a Muslim POV you'd be screaming the house down. But of course, it's okay for you to enjoy reading as entertainment what you would condemn a Muslim for writing, as you're always right even when you can't muster an argument to prove it.
With the exception of SOME Buddhists and the Unitarians I thought ALL religion was a "we're right you're wrong" approach.
We weren't talking about people arguing rights and wrongs. Please try to follow the discussion.
We were talking about a book based on religously inspired fantasies of mass death.
To be fair, most faiths have moderated their positon from 'we're right and if you don't agree you will die' in an attempt to stay relevent and credible in the modren world. Including the Roman Catholic church. They will have some 'get out of jail free' doctrine that will be nice and vauge and basically say 'what do we know, ask god'.
Dan, did you know that in 2000 years of it's history the Catholic Church has never OFFICIALLY declared any one individual as being in hell...not even Judas.
Intellectual dishonesty. For centuries the threat of hell was a major control used by the Catholic Church. Will you deny that? If so, make sure you can back it up with in-depth proofs.
The Catholic position is NOT that only Catholics go to heaven, in fact, it doesn't even limit heaven to Christians.
Not any longer - as per my comment above. It used to.
But we're not talking about Catholics per se. We are talking about the scum who believe rubbish like that. Muslim scum. Christian scum. Hindu scum. Racist scum. Political scum.
Jaded about religion? You'd have to be fool not to be! "Religion" generally stinks. They're contrived methods of controling people using equivalents of the Santa Claus story.
God and belief are of course different from "religion", and I find people whose views of god and whose beliefs are refreshing. So, wrong on that one Yeru, just for a change...