Latest "Hope" Is That I'll Come Back After My Daughter's Wedding

by minimus 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    My mother told me yesterday that the latest talk that's buzzing around is that after the wedding of my daughter (who is marrying an "unbeliever" aka normal person), my wife and I will come back. My mom's friend said that the Presiding Overseer even told her that there's one thing he just can't understand----why I left. He assumes that I feel badly that my daughter's getting married to a "worldly" aka normal person. Once the wedding is a done deal, he thinks I'll resurface.

  • kls

    Tell your mother to tell the elder to hold his breath till you get there. Really they just have got to be dumb

  • RandomTask

    They love to come up with explanations for everything in their head all the while ignoring the obvious. Its pretty much how they can still believe in their way of life.

  • Elsewhere

    Tell them that your return is eminent... soon... very soon... any day now....

  • unbeliever
    Once the wedding is a done deal, he thinks I'll resurface.

    Same thing happened with friends of mine, slightly different circumstances. When they did not resurface the elders started getting very agressive and would show up at their house unannounced. I hope that does not happen to you.

  • jgnat

    Elsewhere, lol, any day now....Your freudian typo cracks me up. That clinches it, minimus, you are a conspicuous member of the board!


    1 : standing out so as to be readily perceived or noted : CONSPICUOUS 2 : jutting out : PROJECTING 3 : exhibiting eminence especially in standing above others in some quality or position : PROMINENT

    im·mi·nent : ready to take place; especially : hanging threateningly over one's head

  • frenchbabyface
    ElseW : Tell them that your return is eminent... soon... very soon... any day now....

    RT : They love to come up with explanations for everything in their head all the while ignoring the obvious

    That reminds me the last JW's who came home, after A virus I've got I could not use internet 3 days in row ... but still I have printed the UN letter that is now on the UN web site. and gave them to read (in English) but still the bro was reading English and he understood the letter and right then, in front of me he talked to the sister.

    going like : Oh you know those are the kind of letters rwhish runs into the Internet to discrediting the WTS ! ... and such

    I've stoped him : reminded him that before to give him this letter to read, I informed him that it have been printed out from the UN web Site !!! ... Does that mean that he thinks that I am a liar !!! ... Can't he just go and figured this out for good it is so simple to do ... No news by now ... (did he and she got the point ?) Oh well ...

  • minimus

    Sadly, it does show that JWs just can't deal with reality. They can't face th truth. They are true "unbelievers"......I do think that they could get nasty if their idea does not get realized.

  • Nosferatu

    Ahhh, rumors are so much fun! Apparently, the house we're buying was owned by a musician. I didn't know that and neither did my wife. I wonder how my father found that out, since he doesn't even know where we're moving!

  • DanTheMan

    If you do go back, just promise me you won't talk on your cell phone when you're driving to the KH. That'd be a bad witness if you ran over somebody.

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