RR:I appreciate your candor.
Thank you
So you do have a DF'ing policy then. How is that implimented in the way that the BS's deal with the DF'ed individual (lets stick with the case of an adulterer / adultress, shall we)?
Yes, we do and in my years with the Bible Students I only know of a handful of cases inj various congregations. For the most part, unless what someone is doing is affecting the spirituality of the congregation, nothing is ever done. I know of a case where a couple got divorced, and each one remarried. The wife very active with the church, the hubby, not active. Other than a little animosity between families (which is understandable) nothing was done. Both left the class and attended other classes.
Another couple, left the class when they moved, ten years later the wife returned married to someone else. She got an unscriptural divorced. Some in the congregation felt she was living in sin and wanted her disfellowshipped. A hearing was made and it was decided she couldn't undo what was done. But it did leave some scars. The class eventually split over this issue. She knew what she did was wrong, and she was willing to just sit in the back and listen in on the studies. Her new hubby, not a Bible Student was impressed with the way things were handled, he consecratedand got baptized, now he's in, and she's not.
Just because a class as a wholemay decide to DF someone, that does not barr the members as individuals from talking to her. That is a personal matter. The DFing simply states that the person is no longer a part of the class. No one is ostracized or DF'd because they associated with a DF'd person.
And for balance, since I'm not trying to take this down a negative route, how would said member find their way back?
I would assume a simple act of repentance. Making it known that you made a mistake, you are sorry and want to come back and fellowship. We are not heart readers,so we have to assume that if you profess repentance that it is geniune. We do not investigate the individuals, require them to come to all meetings. A person walk with the Lord is theirs and their alone. Now of course, we are an association made up of individuals, and individuals act differently. So I can't speak for everyone.
Further, how would you deal with one of the company (maybe an Elder, for arguments sake) who left and was found (though conversation with one of the brethren) to have turned their back on Christ?
If it were found to be true? That's between him and the Lord, out of sight out of mind. Know what I mean? We don't go after individuals, if they leave, they leave.
Also, is it made clear (when one joins a class) the contents of said policies?
No, we don't go over 120 questions before someone fellowships with us. You see, when one consecrates, it's not joining the class or a group, it's becoming prospective members of the body of Christ.