How do we protect the abuser?

by ???? 104 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Good response, LW. They don't report it because of how disgusting and downright despicable it is. They do not want to be known as a religion with problems. Although *I* wasn't sexually abused by an elder, or a member of the congregation, it was because my Mother was out in service that I *was* sexually abused. If she'd kept her sorry ass home where she was supposed to be, it never would have hapened. But no..she had to go out preaching God's glory, and irritating people door to door, that her oldest daughter and oldest son were sexually abused by the babysitter. When I told her, she was somewhat shocked, but she just chocked it up to childish imagination, and sent me on my way. Luckily, that guy never abused me again cuz I told his Mother. Unfortunately, he also abused my baby brother sexually. If I could find him <which I have tried> I would sue him out the ass and make him pay for what he did to us.

    Don't protect me from myself, protect me from the abuses of Christianity.

    Country Girl

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    So what i don't understand is everyone I no that has kids including me would not stand their and let a elder or a body of elders tell me not to go the police

    Neither would I. You sound like a good person and I truly hope this tragedy never touches your life. Sadly it happens every minute of every hour in this country. It would be nice if a religion, supposedly a source of spiritual enlightment, would help instead of hinder in something as tragic as child abuse.

    I can tell you stories, such as the congregation where multiple children were molested in the congregation. The elders bullied and threatened every family into not going to the police. All except one, and it was their courage to stand up to such threats that caused the offender to be convicted. And yet, instead of congratulations, warmth and acceptance they were ostracized and when the fellow was released he was assigned to their book study. Naturally they left that hall.

    It does happen over and over. Too many times for someone with an ounce of reason to chalk it up to 'human imperfection'. It is systemic and an indication of a larger problem.

  • Elsewhere
    So what i don't understand is everyone I no that has kids including me would not stand their and let a elder or a body of elders tell me not to go the police

    And this is why you would likely be DFed if you discovered that your child was molested... because you would not follow the instructions of the elders to not "slander" the molester.

  • ????

    Please tell me what our policy should be. would this new policy create a new forum topic: WHY JWS NEW POLICY IS WRONG

  • Crazy151drinker


    Why do you even have to have a policy? If someone is abusing your kids you go to the Police. Thats it. Simple. I fail to see why the Elders have to know.

    Instead of a 'new policy' why cant they admit that they have made mistakes in the past?

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    Why do you even have to have a policy? If someone is abusing your kids you go to the Police. Thats it. Simple. I fail to see why the Elders have to know.

    Works for me. And it would be so simple for a Watchtower article on this very subject to say just that.

    If I were an elder I would not want the responsibility of deciding something as complex as a criminal offense (whether it be child abuse, murder or anything else). If I were an elder, I would want my role contained to the spiritual.

  • Odrade

    to be perfectly fair... I don't think the crime of child molestation is "unimportant" to them, and I also don't necessarily think most elders see it in the light of women and children being somehow less than. Any normal person (elders included) would be sickened to learn of accusations against one of their "brothers" (or sisters) in the hall.

    BUT, they are untrained clergy. They are largely ignorant of the facts surrounding molestation, and they don't have the resources to deal with it properly. So when someone is accused, the only rulebook they have is the one governing fornication. And when they live in a clergy privilege state, and the WTS advises them to deal with it from within... and the accused denies everything, what can they do and still remain faithful to the WTS rulebook?

    The shame that causes families to hide such acts makes similar waves in the elder body. The instinct is to protect from the shame of it, sweep it under the rug. Without such things as mandatory reporting, and encouragement from the WTS legal department to bring in the authorities, what choice do the elders feel they have? Sure, some elders are strong enough to pay attention to their inborn conscience, and instinctively do the right thing... but years of subservience to the WTS has taken the logic out of many of these men. Sad, really.

    Of course that's not to say there aren't cover-ups, cause there are... and that's not to say that innocent people haven't been disciplined for trying to protect others even though they lack the requisite "two witnesses." We've seen that too. Even one is too much. And that's not to say that there aren't elders out there suppressing things for the sake of power and ego, under the guise of "not bringing reproach on Jehovah." We know that happens too.

    It would be nice to think that the mishandling of child molestation charges in JWs is the rare situation. But the fact is, until the JW "elders" are trained in crisis management, social issues and psychology, as are most clergy (among other training) these mishandlings will occur over and over again. In most cases, they literally don't know what to do.

    The abuse case that I've mentioned on here... was only slightly mishandled at the outset. It was reported to the authorities... I'm told immediately. I'm also told that no one they knew had EVER dealt with a case like it. (this was 12-14 years ago.) Yet, if they had paid attention, they would not have been caught unawares. At least in my congregation, there were many abuse survivors (not necessarily abused by JWs) and you'd think someone would have done some research. Granted, research was much harder then, as there wasn't much published on the matter outside of pop-psych self-help books, and serious (and inaccessible) med journals. But in recent years, the internet has rendered the situation such that there are no excuses for even untrained leaders to be ignorant of the facts surrounding sexual abuse.

    As I said, the case I've mentioned was only slightly mishandled... AT THE OUTSET. It does continue to be grossly mishandled these many years later, because no one takes precautions against him offending again, and I think most would be truly surprised and shocked if he did. The majority of JWs take the long view that the molester, if strong in the "truth," can overcome his perversity. And barring that, anything he does will come to light and "Jehovah will take care of it." This, in its own way, is certainly protecting the abuser.


  • Elsewhere

    It would take more than a change in policy... it would require a change in the culture of JWs. The WTS has an insular culture that causes members to look to the elders for solutions to all of their problems whether they be spiritual, legal, criminal, medical, or anything else.

    The WTS needs to stop teaching JWs to distrust "the world" and it's experts and authorities, which is the reason why the average JW will not go to the authorities in the first place... instead they take abuse accusations to the elders.

    In court the WTS defends the elders by saying that they are "untrained volunteers". The WTS needs to tell every JW this so that they know that the elders are not equipped to handle serious matters.

  • ????

    What is worst for our religion? having many child abusers disfellowshiped. Or protecting them? Its not rocket sicence.

    The "WatchTower" has proved to be quite smart Tax etc. (the list goes on in many of your forums) so I have a hard time beliving that they would be so stupid when is comes to something so sick.

    please note that I'm not saying this has not happened. In fact i have had my problems with elders and even bodys of elders but this does not mean everything wrong that they say and do is coming from "head office"

  • Elsewhere
    What is worst for our religion? having many child abusers disfellowshiped. Or protecting them? Its not rocket sicence

    You have to remember that this is not what is at issue... it is image... the WTS wants to have a "perfect" image in front of the world. The last thing they want is for anyone to know that they have dirty laundry.

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