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by Black Man 90 Replies latest jw friends

  • Farkel


    : Sob Sob No one appreciates me Sob Sob

    Hey! I think I read one of your posts!


  • Sunchild


    Don't worry about it too much. Nobody's mentioned me, either.


    "Most men complacently accept 'knowledge' as 'truth'. They are sheep, ruled by fear."
    -- Sydney Losstarot, "Vagrant Story."

  • Prisca

    There, there, there hippikon. Not everyone gets mentioned in this thread. As someone else said, it's a bit like being picked for a team, standing there hoping your name will be the next one mentioned. I've only been mentioned once, but that's ok. I have been thanked privately in the past, so I know I'm still loved!

    I'll refrain from naming my selection, for the very reason I fear I may miss someone out.

    This is a great positive thread, nonetheless!

  • hippikon

    Wow The great Farkel read one of my posts . Im flaterd Gosh thanks farks. Can I be your friend now? When I grow up I want to be just like you.

  • Cowboy

    I can't name names either.There are so many that are outstanding.But I do want to say I appreciate the insight I've gained from everyone.


  • outnfree

    god, I love this place!

    What a lovely idea, Black Man!

    I'm hesitant to name names also, because it is the variety and the depth and breadth and wit and love and sarcasm and humour expressed openly here that is so very, very refreshing to me! I am constantly astounded by the wealth of good information and insights posted here and the amount of compassion that just overflows when someone is hurt and/or angry.

    It is an honor to be part of such a wonderful community!

    (who has to cave in and thank Simon by name for making it all possible )

  • outnfree

    And (((((sunchild))))) from a fellow Michigander

    and <<<<<<<<<<<< posters>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    (That'a a grope hug for those who are wondering!)

    ( t41)

  • Farkel


    : When I grow up I want to be just like you.

    That would be a big mistake. I advise against it. You're too nice to go that path!


  • Wolfy

    I just wanted to say thank-you for everyone who posts here. I have learned much in a very short time and am grateful to everyone who posts here. I find it invigorating to be able to ask questions and not feel like I'm gonna be hauled before a JC.

    I know I haven't been here long but I want everyone to know your insights and your efforts to help are very much appreciated...

    Best Regards


  • Farkel


    : I've only been mentioned once, but that's ok. I have been thanked privately in the past, so I know I'm still loved!

    When your so-called "enemies" love you, then you know you are really loved. The battles are the battles, but that has nothing to do with anything but the battles themselves.

    You ARE loved, and (don't tell anyone else this), but I love you. I love you for having the courage to speak your convictions, even if I don't always agree with them. As dubs we could NEVER have free-wheeling arguments and discussions. I love you for breaking free of that crap that imprisoned us and being yourself and freely speaking what you feel is right.

    I you ever say I said all of this, I will deny every word of it!


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