Every so often, I will read on this board, how some people will defend and apologize for what JWs do or believe in.....I just don't get it.
Why Would Anyone Defend Jehovah's Witnesses??????????
by minimus 53 Replies latest jw friends
Because they haven't been screwed over by JWs (or a loved one hasn't been) yet.....
Either that they live in lala land or the Land of Denial
Many the comment has been said about a convicted child molester, "he was such a nice man."
LaLa Land is what I think. Some people just don't get it!
The opposite is also true though - some people want to label all JWs as evil. Some / many are not ... they are just deceived. Hey, we were there once, were 'we' evil ?
Simon you were evil at one time. But now that you're out, you're "good"....I agree that we can cut some slack to people but I still wonder why there are those defenders.
I gladly defend JWs -- but I will not defend the WTBTS or its representatives - there is a difference. Many JWs are nice people and genuine people. They maybe misguided and badly led and other things but there are some nice people. Many will also try to be genuinely Christian - so I defend them -- I will NOT condem them - However, the WTBTS and its Governing Body - I truly believe some of them to be horrible people - I will NOT defend them - just my 2 cents
Because they haven't been screwed over by JWs (or a loved one hasn't been) yet.....
Either that they live in lala land or the Land of Denial
Many the comment has been said about a convicted child molester, "he was such a nice man."
I don't think I used the word "evil" in my comment nor implied that any JWs were.
What I did say is that they lived in lala land or in the land of Denial; a place we all lived for a long time until we finally opened our eyes.
johnny cip
it a hard one defending a person that calls you the son of satan. i can't do it. i don't hate jw's but if you cross their line . they hate you. it's a catch 22. it's really the wt to be hated and i agree with what ever gov't like russia are doing to stamp out the wt. they reap what they sow. sorry it needs to nipped at every turn what ever the means. john
Muslims have been demonized and condemed routinely since '01. Much of the critisism is deserved. Are there any Muslim individuals or practices that you would defend???
If the WTBTS was a financial client, or a potential financial client i.e. Chase Manhattan Bank, realtor, paper and printing equipment supplier or computer equipment supplier, etc. I would be singing, whole-heartedly, the praises of whatever it was my "gravy-train" customer does.
That's the American Way, and the WTBTS...IS an American Corporation and beneficiary of that association even if the WTBTS chooses NOT to wave it's countries Flag for marketing purposes.