Possibly because of family ties, not having been hurt enough, or even because of sub consciously fearing displeasing god.(grieving the spirit)
I personally get irritated when I hear defensive discussions about dubs because usually it's personal opinion based on emotion.
I will never defend dubs, I won't persecute them either, but I NEVER apologise for them! Where were they for all those kids that needed defending? Oh, they were busy defending the borg's name and image! They are soooo proud of it.
When I was first in the borg I couldn't believe the things that were being said by some witnesss about df'ed or inactive people. The venom and animocity from some JWs mouths was horrible. And to be discussing it with others was nothing more than gossip and slander. I use to walk away thinking, 'why take it personally? After all it's god they've upset not you.' They said they were telling me so I would keep away from them. Talk about causing divisions. Now that I am friends with some of the slandered, it's interesting to hear the other side!
I often read how people on this forum don't think most dubs are bad etc, and that's fair enough, not all are. But when I associated with dubs I have to say, I heard alot of hateful words toward other religions, non-witnesses and ones that had left the fold. And I came from the 'world' and saw some pretty awful stuff, but this was a real eye opener for me. Especially after having this religion presented to me as god's visible, united, loving organization..........yeh, right! A real spiritual paradise.
I'm not a hateful person, not before or after the borg. But let's not kid ourselves about witnesses. I have met alot of very jealous, ambitious, proud, arrogant, controlling, hypocritical and critical people in the borg. Oh yes, I agree, they are everywhere those sort of people! But for a small group of people I found alot of negative energy at ever Kingdom hall I went too. I think people are kidding themselves in believing that dubs are just warm, fuzzy people.
They would never defend you and I, even if we left for good reasons, the very reasons dubs would use to convince poeple to leave their church for!!!!!!!
So why would I defend THEM???????? There is nothing to defend. Children need defending not dubs!
Cheers, Bliss