Lil ole me shooting my mouth off making false acusations, talking about things he knows nothing about .
It is amazing how people can claim JWs is a pedophile paradise that is acceptable. Claim the watchtower is playing both sides of the blood game and that is an insult to their integrity.
XQ's---how do YOU know what JWs "secretly" do? You can only surmise. Your comparison of the WTBS and JWs is like saying the KKK is different from the KKK klansmen.
Thats like asking KKK klansmen "How do you know what KKK Klansmen do in secret? You can only surmise."
One minute you're not a JW, the next you are. I would appreciate it if you would fill us all in on just what you really are here, XQ. You claim to be from Africa, is that true? What do you really know about Jehovahs Witnesses? You once claimed to be Catholic. So what is it? Perhaps I am confused; please enlighten us. If you don't then I surmise that you're just some internet weirdo playing games. I truly hope that is not the case, but I've seen far weirder things on this very forum. This is the internet, you know. Your stories are not sounding that good. Your strange posts have not gone unnoticed.
Now back to the real question: Why would someone defend them?
Because they wish to be decieved. I was one going door to door, just like all of you. Didn't it make you feel good to have the inside scoop on things? Didn't it feel good to think that maybe, just maybe you knew exactly what was going to happen in 'the world'? I defended the hell out of the doctrines. When people could not be 'convinced', then I believed that 'Satan had blinded the eyes of the unbelievers', and I had provided my 'witness'.
Looking back on it, it was terribly unchristian to treat other people that way. I remember people in car groups just laughing at people out in 'the service'. Disgusting behavior, and having a feeling of being a know-it-all is why I believe most people do it. Would Jesus have laughed at people who were in a terrible state?
They prey on low self-esteem. How can you have good self-esteem when you're being torn down every meeting, being told to do more, do more, do more? Being told that you're a horrible sinner, and (implied here) that you'd better get your ass out in service more and try to be 'perfect' because Jehovah will sift you out at Armageddon.
But these words are nothing more than apostate nonsense to them. It goes in circles. You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink. Simple words that answer the question. Go see the Matrix and you get a good idea of why some do not wish to leave the 'organization'.