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by Stefanie 60 Replies latest jw friends
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That comment was uncalled for!
The aisles are always full of merchandise to be put on the shelves. It gets to be a maze. I have complained twice to management getting a blank look in response. I think Target has a higher class of merchandise that is more trendy. Love the furniture.
I'm with Terry....frankly I feel consumerism has run amok in U.S. I don't hate shopping, quite the opposite in fact. But I loathe the mass produced giant superstores stacked with loads of *usefulless* items and I especially detest thinking of carting home bags of stuff that everyone else will also have in their house....particularly when it comes to clothes, decorations etc. It feels like we will all become the same !
sorry for my digression there...I prefer to take my business to smaller shops, established and run by locals. I prefer to re-use and frequent vintage and second hand stores, auctions, and such because you find the coolest and unique items there.
when necessary, I will on occasion go to Target, at least they have some interesting designers occasionally (the guy who does some of their houshold things as an example, Michael something can't think of his name). I don't go to Freddies, or KMart, or BuyMart, or huge grocery store chains or any of that other stuff unless forced. I am an anti-chain store gal. I wouldn't set foot in Walmart for political reasons already stated here.
Target all the way!!
Actually, a local television station here in the DFW area did a price comparison between Target and WalMart on ten items. Target was cheaper on 7 out of ten of the items. These were every day items, too.
I love Target.
Target. I've gone off Walmart since they refused to take any of my credit card because the amount was over $50 !! (hey, I only have an £18,000 limit after all )
I know when I heard they were locking employees in at night... that was pretty appauling of Walmart... that was like the last straw for my bf and why he doesn't want to shop there.
but Walmart is one of our biggest customers for the company I work for.. we would hurt if Walmart fell.. so it would affect my paycheck and definately my bonus check.. We were hit pretty good when KMart went partially bankrupt..I can't imagine how bad it would be if Walmart did the same.. so in a way I want to support them even if the politically correct thing might be to boycot them
Target Dog Smiley Face
Clean Stores Messy Shelves
Red Blue
Friendly Employees Grumpy Grannys
Finding what you want Saying "It was here last week."
Tar-zhay all the way!!! Even though I'm from Arkansas, and literally have never known a world without WalMart, I hate it. And, I hate it even more because I have no choice but to shop there. The closest Target is 20 miles away. And no one else in town is even remotely close to their prices. I wish I could afford to say, I'm not going to shop there no matter how cheap it is. But honestly, when you're supporting your family, making that dollar stretch the most is really all that matters. WalMart does that, that's why they are so successful.
hey, I only have an £18,000 limit after all
Is gonna tag along for shopping next time.
so in a way I want to support them even if the politically correct thing might be to boycot them
I was raised in a single parent household, so the few dollars she was saving at walmart counted. Growing up we never thought about the politics of the whole thing.
The nearly constant pages for employees over the loudspeakers is completely distracti ng.
I have never gone in to Walmart and come out without my head spinning and being irritated as all get out. Several times I have gone looking for the manager and tried to convince him that they just have to provide some kind of training for their employees in the usage of the microphone! ( He must think I'm a JW.)
The majority do not speak, but SCREAM through the dang thing and the loudspeakers are always at full throttle too.