What day was man created?

by Gadget 32 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • peacefulpete

    Holsteins and brontosauruses grazing side by side, living in harmony.

  • Leolaia

    In response to

    Why would the eternal creator of the universe be setting his clock and making out his schedule by the orbital or rotational periods of the Earth or Moon anyway?


    Especially since the moon and sun, according to the Genesis account, were not created until somewhere around the 4th day (don't remember exactly).

    I should say that the creation narrative is not being understood accurately. There is no such concept of an orbital or rotational period of the earth and moon. There is no concept of the earth being created in the midst of a much larger universe. The problem is that people read the Genesis story with preconceptions drawn from modern science and cosmology that is then read into the story. If the story is read on its own terms, as it would have been understood according to ancient Semitic cosmology, one can easily see how "unscientific" and mythological it really is. It also explains such non-existent "contradictions" as there being day and night without the sun and moon being created yet.

    Here are some of my posts that explain what is really going on in the Genesis story:




  • XQsThaiPoes

    JWs have discarded a day equals 1000 years. And the Awake seems to teach evolution by quoting scientist and not refuting them. Infact the watchtower has totally discarded the genesis account as being non literal. Even thought officially they attack evolution. It seems that they think God created man litterally ans some animals (ones after man )from dirt and woman from a rib. The rest they no longer defend.

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