As a JW, Did You Ever Look DownOn Other Witnesses???

by minimus 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    LW----Am I missing something?

  • Magick

    If you are a white male living in bethel and part of the governing body

    you are on top of the pyramid?

    every thing and every one trickle down from you

    kinda like amway.

    You are superior by:

    Nationality=American (cuz everyone knows American's are superior lol) Religion=Jehovah?s Witness (only saved)
    Position=Elite/Select/Governing Body
    Spirituality=Chosen and talked to by god
    Power=Millions look up and listen to you

    Of course the things you write or order to be written (for the lowly followers) will have (and teach) that air of superiority?because this is how you are brain washed?and consciously or unconsciously you in turn brain wash others

    into thinking they also can be superior like yourself. (sound familiar? see "the garden of eden")

    Little pyramids are created across the world through Districts and Circuits and Congregations and Families.

    A little superiority goes a long way.

  • karly

    Yes, I was a pioneer for a while and I had kids. I thought I was doing pretty good and wondered about other wives who got jobs. Now I realize I should have gotten a job myself or even better: went back to school and then got a job. Hindsight!

    I am learning though--Next May I will finally have a degree and I have kept the same job for 3 years and recently got promoted! I think back on my former attitudes and fears and shake my head in wonder at my former deluded self.

    One of the reasons that made me quit going to meetings was the change in status I felt when I became single again and how my children were treated in the hall. I think single parents, especially single mothers, lose out alot. When I was married, my family was invited over to other people's homes alot and we would have people over frequently. After becoming single, I couldn't afford to have people over and the invitations became few and far between. I think single parents and their children are stigmatized in many ways.

    I think single women are under a big stigma too--everyone thinking they are desperate to find a man. I hated that feeling. The brothers could be so cocky. It was inhibiting. The real world is alot easier to take, in my opinion.

  • minimus

    Magic, that's why Witnesses loved pyramids.

  • blondie

    Is that true if you are living in Canada? Australia? France? UK?

    Are JWs from the US considered superior?



  • Mulan
    It's easy if you're English.

    We look down on everyone. It's sort of genetic.

    Whew, that explains it. I thought I was just a Pharisee. It's my English genes.............thank you Mike.

  • minimus

    Mulan, I doubt you could look down on anyone.

  • Stefanie

    Yea,we were for a while because of money..

  • minimus

    Jws do look down on people because they have money but the Bethelites don't!

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