Honest mistakes? The Governing Body's excuses for their actions

by Terry 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • avengers
    The Governing Body tells us they are not false prophets because they admit their mistakes.

    Maybe you could elaborate on this. I have never seen or read anything in which they admit their mistakes.
    This I would like to see.


  • Mary
    The Governing Body tells us they are not false prophets because they admit their mistakes.

    LMAO!! I have yet to read ANYTHING written by the Governing Body where they fully admit that THEY were wrong, whether it was with regards to prophecy, beastiality not being grounds for divorce, the whole 607 BCE thing, blood transfusions, allowing thousand of brothers and sisters in Malawi to die horrible deaths when there was no need to, or supporting the Third Reich's "high moral principals". The ONLY time they even make a half-assed attempt to semi-apologize, is when they've publically painted themselves into a corner and there's no way of covering it up. I think they mumbled something several years after the 1975 fiasco, but it was like pulling teeth to get them to admit that they were even partially responsible, let alone, the sole reason for it. Even in the November 1995 WT when they changed the idea of the term "generation", it was a really pathetic way of changing the central doctrine of the religion. It was something like "....in times past, Jehovah's people thought..." instead of saying "....in times past, we the Governing Body SAID it would be the generation of 1914..." That way, they don't look as bad, or so they think. Ever since that article came out, people have been leaving the Organization in droves.

    The quintessential example of their dishonesty (aside from the recent UN thing) is the Mexico-Malawi contradiction. Two opposite choices foisted on different nations - one excused bribery of goverment officials so as to avoid military duty, the other caused tens of thousands to be plundered and raped for the sake of not buying an identification card. When you think about the hardships caused to the thousands of families in Malawi, over something so meaningless, it just makes one's heart ache.

    This is so true. I was so stunned when I read this in CoC that I cried for all those who needlessly died. I hope that idiot on the Governing Body who changed his vote burns in Hell.

  • ozziepost

    I guess they would say they made a mistake to trust me all those years!!!

  • Sunspot

    **The Governing Body tells us they are not false prophets because they admit their mistakes.

    I beg to differ----the closest thing to admitting they were wrong on anything---was to re-issue another date to look forward to.

    **Their doctrines change (new light) because they see and admit their errors.

    Again, the "Noo Lite" they print is to cover their butts---nothing else.

    **Is the Governing Body honestly doing the best they can?

    I firmly believe so. They ARE doing the best they can to keep the R + F JWs in so much "fear of the END" and always keeping that carrot dangling before their noses no matter HOW basically foolish they appear---IS quite a feat in itself! Keeping six million folks in subjection and at their beck and call, hanging onto every utterance from their literature---is somewhat awe-inspiring, dontcha think?


  • NeonMadman
    The Governing Body tells us they are not false prophets because they admit their mistakes.

    Unfortunately for them, that statement is self-falsifying. According to scripture, the only type of prophets who can admit their mistakes (in terms of prophetic predictions) are false prophets. True prophets never get it wrong, because they really get their information from God (as opposed to false prophets, who advance their own ideas in God's name). If the message really does come from God, it will come true. The WTS claims to speak for God, has even advanced their time prophecies as "God's dates, not ours," "the Creator's promise" and "Jehovah's prophetic word through Christ Jesus." Yet they have to continually revise that message because their prophecies fail. Clearly, their claim to speak for God is a lie, and that is the very essence of being a false prophet.

  • Balsam

    The stupidity of their claim to represent the true God Jehovah of the Bible and his Christ on one hand is unbelievable when the truth is finally known about them.

    Then say they are not perfect, and truth changes. Well God sure the heck needs to do a better job communicating, or these dumb men need to shut their traps and apologize for all the pain they have caused the rank and file by lying to them. The Governing Body have ruined many many lives, and don't even feel any responsiblity for it. How darn Godly is that? Or does God have nothing to do with it. Oh maybe it is just a bunch of greedy men exercising their power of the rank and file followers. Power of men who rule over others. These men are no more worth than the Pope of the Catholic Church to be dictating to people how to live their lives. Neither is God's tool.

    This is not about God, why would God need men to tell other men what he is all about?????? Think about it Jehovah's Witnesses, does it make sense for God to need men period??? Why would God need to be worshipped? As a parent would we want our kids to worship us simply because life came through us to them? Of course not. We would want their respect and even honor as their parents. But worship, no way. God does not want worship it is something that has been presented to us in a book that was written by men just like you and I. It is their opinion, their thoughts, their ideas. God is not in any of this.

  • Golf

    How do you tackle their attitude of, "I may not be always right, but I'm never wrong?"

    Guest 77

  • Undecided

    Have they ever explained how all the anointed are the "faithful and discrete slave" but only about 12 of them can vote on any decision involving the sheep? How can they be spirit directed but not inspired? They continue to call the religion "the truth" but it continually betrays itself as being a lie.(1874, 1914, 1925, 1975, "this century", blood changes, NGO, organization as God, generation,etc. etc.

    You have to be brain washed to become a JW and controlled every step of the way by God(organization).

    Ken P.

  • Mary

    Golf: It's kinda like that other saying: Once I thought I was wrong, but I was mistaken.

  • seattleniceguy


    I wonder if any of the authors they misquoted has ever sued them or at least crtiticised them.

    I don't have direct evidence on this, but I have heard that many people have done so. It only makes sense. I would be outraged if my work was misused in such a way. I'd be interested if anyone has any information on this.


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