In all reality the GB is not the problem. Infact I think they are cute. JWs on the other hand dear lord. It is like how some americans believe in bill of rights yet think flag burning should be illegal. On one hand when the jws feel like it they toss the GB, watchtower, and bible out the window to enforce their own pet peeve, but wont grant others the same liberty.
For example if I started to pray to the GB and promoted this idea I am sure I could be DFed, but if I promoted ignoring the GB I could also be DFed. THe reason the JWs love the GB is it gives them I dont know authority, credibility, and history? Any time the GB becomes too real a treat the JW tightens the noose. I wonder whom is serving whom.
Look at the blood issue. THe have basically ordered JWs to stop writing them and stop asking the elders what is acceptable. The say dont question the GB when it gives the JW in charge authority. When it subtracts from their authority JWs get coincidental amnesia, or out right imply you are a free moral agent or there is some clause to subvert the power of the GB. Really the halls are ran by the elders. The CO is a bean counter and PR man. I was reading here about a case of a teenage homosexual that molested a child and the CO told them the case was not severe enough to report to NY. THe problem is what wordly people call corruption. JW leaders have a bad habbit of looking the other way when it suits them.