Are you a bit on the oversensitive side or can you let things easily roll off your back?
Are You Thin Skinned or Are You Easy To Deal With?
by minimus 36 Replies latest jw friends
I am overly sensitive , why, i wish i knew . I am trying to get a thick skin and let things roll of my back . I hope that someday i can go to bed at night and not rehash the days events and worry that i may have hurt someone's feelings or that someone dislikes me and i try to wonder what i did wrong for them to feel that way. I have a habit of putting my foot in my mouth and then realize it later and then feel bad
kls, I'd bet that you're a very nice person.
AWW Mini , thank-you i try to be .
Yes, and yes. The way you wrote the question its like you have to be either or, but I am both. Sensitive, yet very easy going.
Thin skinned is TOO sensitive, imo.
<------------------WHAT do you mean by that Min....huh huh
I was only kiddin', honest I was!!!
Mini, what are you ? I'm thinking Easy to deal with.