I have struggled on and off with weight for years.. when I have lost it has always been with a lot of work and people who do not understands, seem to think it is easy..
hi, what i said about it being easy, didn't mean to make out like it was dead easy and people who can't lose weight are just not trying hard enough, i just don't know anyone else who has ever forced themself to the extreme of not eating, and taking fat burners like i do for over a month, sometimes it has made me want to pass out, but it always gets rid of the fat. maybe what is a lot of weight to me is a very little to someone else, have any of you ever tried forcing yourself onto a diet like i described? maybe it would work. when i thought of that diet it was simple... starve yourself and your body will eat the fat by itself, take a metaboliser and it will eat some more, and take vitamins so you don't die, then have dinner.