
by desib77 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • dh
    I have struggled on and off with weight for years.. when I have lost it has always been with a lot of work and people who do not understands, seem to think it is easy..

    hi, what i said about it being easy, didn't mean to make out like it was dead easy and people who can't lose weight are just not trying hard enough, i just don't know anyone else who has ever forced themself to the extreme of not eating, and taking fat burners like i do for over a month, sometimes it has made me want to pass out, but it always gets rid of the fat. maybe what is a lot of weight to me is a very little to someone else, have any of you ever tried forcing yourself onto a diet like i described? maybe it would work. when i thought of that diet it was simple... starve yourself and your body will eat the fat by itself, take a metaboliser and it will eat some more, and take vitamins so you don't die, then have dinner.

  • desib77
    Sirona.. I appreciate your soapbox.. I have struggled on and off with weight for years.. when I have lost it has always been with a lot of work and people who do not understand, seem to think it is easy.. they have no clue for some how it is

    I completely agree...however, it doesn't surprise me that those responses came from men. I was just going to ignore them...but makes me feel good that you said something about it.

    For women especially weight is really tough to lose. Our bodies want to hold onto it more then men's bodies.

    The "killer" for me has been that I'm working at home now and have been for the past year (in which I've gained the most weight). Not only do I have much less physical activity during the day, but I tend to snack....both bad and both are things I want to change. Oh, and being married now seems to affect it. It was much easier for me to diet when I was single. It seems that once you're married it is easy to get "comfortable" and slip back into bad habits.

    I guess my question wasn't as much how do you lose weight, because I along with everyone else knows how to do that, but is there a program that helps you stick with it?

  • jwbot

    dh: what you suggest would make my heart explode. I have heart trouble. poo.

    I am going to take Adderall for my ADD and the side effect is loss of appitite...I cant wait because I have a hard time not eating (comfort food, etc.).

  • Netty

    With me, I have always found that it is that old will-power thing that is more important than any acutal diet I have tried. I think alot of diets out there are good ones, including weight watchers, which I have never done, but plenty of friends of mine have. Atkins, modified is good, I dont believe in too much meat or fat, limiting carbs is a good idea, but I personally dont like the extreme Atkins takes it to. I think eating a well balanced meal, in moderation and mixing in a moderate amount of exercise has been the thing that has worked for me best, as long as I can keep the will-power going. Vitamins, invest in a good multi-vitamin, go to a health food store and ask questions, when I found one that had a good stress formula for women (called GNC's multi-mega for women with 35 ingredients) it helped me lose wieght.

  • Fe2O3Girl

    I copied this list from a WW message board a few days ago. I have highlighted the ones that stand out to me.

    Dieting Mistakes!Having a negative defeatist attitude.
    Doing anything to lose weight which is NOT a manner of eating that you can adhere to for the rest of your life. Weighing in too frequently. Stick to WI days only. Remember that your weight can fluctuate from one hour to the next. Honest!
    Not drinking enough water. Drinking sugar-laden drinks. Sugar free ones are just as nice.
    Eating more bread, pasta and potatoes than proteins, lean meats, fruits and vegetables.
    Consuming processed foods more often than fresh foods. Taking the benefits away from vegetables by overcooking them.
    Not having a plan. Plan ahead as much as possible, especially for special occasions.
    Finishing every last bite of a meal, even after you are full. Sometimes it?s best to leave, even a spoonful, just to establish the habit. Going back for seconds at meals.
    Skipping breakfast! Never do this. Your first meal is what gets your metabolism burning. Grab a fruit or a cereal bar if you can?t face a "proper breakfast" in the morning.
    Starving all day. Research shows that people lose weight just by eating smaller meals every 3 or so hours.
    Bingeing after "falling off the wagon" and then waiting until "tomorrow" to get back on track. Thinking you are genetically destined to be fat. It?s an excuse!
    Not believing that you have the courage to change. Self-belief is the most important tool you have!
    Thinking you are unattractive. You?re beautiful!
    Thinking of exercise as a chore, instead of a way to improve your health and your life.
    Not scheduling exercise as a vital part of your day and week.
    Indulging excessively in alcohol. Tasting and nibbling on food while you are cooking it. Chew sugar free gum or sip some herbal tea.
    Not having vegetables and/or fruit with each meal. Consuming fast foods on a regular basis.

  • dh

    i wouldn't want your heart to explode but if it does i will give you mine

    definitely i guess it is harder for women, but useful tips (yeah from a guy)

    -eat 1x meal a day
    -never eat after 6pm
    -drink loads of water (makes you feel less hungry)
    -eat chewing gum (makes your stomach think it's getting more food and thus digest and burn more fat)
    -if you're hungry eat fruit, because it doesn't have any fat in it.

    it isn't easy to stick to that routine, but i think it will maintain your weight, and it's what i do.

  • SheilaM

    Ya what they said

  • funkyderek
    It really p*sses me off when thin people say "its so simple: eat less"

    Didn't mean to offend. The method I suggested is very similar to the secret of success on the stock market: Buy low, sell high. It's good advice, and following it will work, but it's not as easy as it seems.

    What p*sses me off is people who relentlessly follow the latest fad diet - whether it's cabbage soup or Atkins - and never seem to lose weight when the secret is just a sensible calorie-controlled diet and a small amount of exercise. I freely admit it's harder for some to follow than others but the solution is the same.

    I've recently begun to experience a small localised weight problem. Potential solutions are: drink less, start doing lots of sit-ups or find a less picky girlfriend. Hmmm, decisions, decisions.

  • SheilaM

    Funky I do like the cabbage soup..not for a diet though......

    I do hand clenches about 500 with arm weights on and have noticed a BIG weight loss in my arms and definition...My son had to do those in bootcamp and boy do they work

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Okay.....I don't see anything about dieting in conjunction with fasting here, so....

    I feel it needs to be mentioned about what our bodies do when we go on a diet....ya see...they're programmed to conserve energy and calories when "under siege" (by diet or fasting) or threatened loss of food the first diet we ever go on starts our body's "famine program".....once that program is engaged, with each sequential diet, it becomes harder and harder to lose weight....until....we get to the point wherein initially we can drop up to 10 lbs. of water weight, but come to a "plateau" thereafter....

    One thing I've done to overcome or circumvent the body's "famine program" to go on fruits and vegetables (fresh and raw, where obtainable) and juices (unsweetened). Works GREAT! And I dip the raw veggies in salad dressing of choice.

    Frannie B

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