There have been a number of threads lately on these 2 men. Why the sudden interest lately? Any ideas??
The Sudden Interest in Russell & Rutherford----What Gives???
by minimus 23 Replies latest jw friends
You're just jealous because you didn't ask the question, min.
I have some comments from the Vindication 3 book on prophecy,etc. It's amazing the crap Rutherford put out and was bought by the rank and file, or maybe they were too scared to say anything. The last brave ones got booted in 1932 with the change to nonelective elders.
My grandparents were not so thrilled with Rutherford. He was a moving force for why they left. "We all put our pants on one leg at a time," muttered my grandfather when thinking of JF.
In my case I'm a history buff. So I thought it would be interesting to study the "founding fathers" of the Watchtower Society. That's why I started one thread on Russell and another on Rutherford. There are more to come.
I wouldn't say it's a sudden interest so much as a recurring interest.
After all, the underpinnings of what the WTS is today were laid by Russell, and especially by Rutherford, though 60 years removed from Rutherford's days.
Knowing what these men did (as well as Knorr, F. Franz, and a few others) explains a lot about the religion in which many of us were raised.
Just one more piece of the puzzle, eh?
Anyone who is interested in Witness doctrinal pathology has to take it all through Rutherford to Russell, and back to where it started . . . William Miller. Nothing the Witness group has today was invented by them that I am aware of. Was it demon possession, or aluminum pots, or blood medical treatment?
Anyone who is interested in Witness doctrinal pathology has to take it all through Rutherford to Russell, and back to where it started . . . William Miller.
Now there's a fascinating extension of the subject. If we wanted to go back even further, we'd see that the "extended meaning" methodology of scriptural interpretation (sooooo typical of the WTS since day 1) actually goes back to Philo, some 2 centuries before Christ, and revived for the Christian community by Origen and Marcion (2nd century AD).
As Ecclesiastes says: "There's nothing new under the sun."
Nathan Natas
They're expected to be resurrected any day now!
...oh, wait... that's happened already - INVISIBLY, of course. They're helping Jesus run heaven now.
"Yeah... THAT'S the ticket!"
NN, your skepticism is unfounded, and really depressing.
I agree that the more we look into the history of the religion, the more we understand WHY the religion captivates so many. I LOVE these exposes'. We can see that all along, the watchtower has been consistently wrong!
I'm just a sucker for togas and upturned collars..