Can anyone relate and help with the nagging doubts that it really was the"truth" and we are all doing the wrong thing and being misled. I have read a lot of information to sway me from the witnesses and to think it is only a man made religion, but still I fear I could be wrong and going against god. How do you all deal with this feeling that surely most have experienced. What is the strongest thing that makes you right in your newfound convictions of truth. How do you push away the guilt you have been made to feel and know you are not a bad person?
I need HELP!!!!!!!!!
by Samdownunder 31 Replies latest jw friends
By informing yourself of this religion is how you remove the doubts. Informing yourself takes time. Keep reading!
I believe I commented on this in your "welcome" thread.
The thing that really pissed me off was the whole 1914 generation change. When I had left the JWs, I still wondered if time was extremely short since the 1914 generation was probably close to dead. When I went on, I learned that they had changed that doctrine. They changed the meaning of the word "Generation" and blamed all the normal rank & file JWs for getting too overzealous. Who caused me to get overzealous? It was none other than the Watchtower.
I was taught about the 1914 generation from a young age. All those years of believing, and now I find out it's all bullshit. It's like learning that the color Red is actually Orange, then learning years later that what you learned was bullshit. I feel like I was taken for a stupid human who would believe whatever I heard.
You may also want to look into the whole 1975 issue. I believe there's a talk on Randy's website ( that was given at a district convention about "Staying alive till '75". It's completely rediculous, but it's all true. The recording gives you a true sense of what it was like back then. Many believed. When Armageddon didn't come in 1975, many left. There's a few on here that left for that very reason.
but still I fear I could be wrong and going against god. How do you all deal with this feeling that surely most have experienced.
i came to realize that a loving god, the god i believe in wouldn't do the things taught by the JWs
Big Tex
Howdy Sam.
I hear you. I wrestled with it for several years after I left, making it much harder on myself than it needed to be. I finally came to the conclusion that I could not in good conscience be a part of that organization. And if Jehovah destroyed me for following my conscience then that is a God, and a world, I don't want to be a part of.
I'm of the belief today that we do the best we can with this life, and God is there to help if we want that help. I also believe he is much kinder, more gentle and far less demanding than the Witnesses would have you believe. It is frightening to let go of a rigid structure and trust in someone you can't see. But I believe God understands that, and feels compassion.
Take a leap and see where you land.
I've had this feeling and still get it occasionally.
What I find works for me is going to Quotes site and reading some of the ridiculous
crap that they wrote about back in the day.. teachings that supposedly made them "Jehovahs chosen organisation" in 1918.
Also the fact that the 607bce to 1914 prophesy is wrong, makes absolutely everything linked to it wrong as well.. and it is the whole basis for JW's existing..!! -
I think it can be really helpful to read up on mind control tactics.
I was raised JW and guilt has come back to bite me on the ass about all sorts of things over the years. What I know now is that guilt is always a sign of betrayed loyalties, but it's not always a sign of doing something wrong. A good example of this is Huck Finn feeling guilty for helping his friend Jim (who was his aunt's slave) to escape. He feels guilty about it because in HIS culture loyalty means whites sticking together against slaves. His loyalty to his family and his group make him feel guilty, but we would most of us agree now that he did the RIGHT thing. You have to look at guilt quite carefully and try to get a perspective on it.
Welcome Sam
I want you to know you are not alone in how you feel.
My husband and I have been "fading" for over a year........we too are doing are research. We were both raised in the JW religion as well.
I think what got me even to "doubt" this religion was the Dateline Special 2 years ago that exposed the WTBS pedophile problem. I sat in horror and I only saw the last 10 minutes. I saw that the WTBS was NO different than the Catholic religion which they put down for years in the magazines. To me that was hypocrisy and I know Jehovah doesn't approve of hypocrisy. I only went in the field service once after that showing, it was too embarassing to be seen with a group of people that are no different than the Catholic Church. I sat there thinking how Jehovah must be hurt to have a group of people "wearing his name" and attaching that name to pedophiles!!!!!!!
What you have to do in your research Sam, is make a solid difference between religion and the true God. We know the true god doesn't approve of hypocrisy or "lack of love"..........Think about those 2 things while you do your research.
You will find enough evidence and won't feel guilty about leaving a "religion"...........a religion is "man made"....Remember that Jehovah's favor was removed from the Jews..........because they weren't living up to what HE expected them to do.
Enjoy your research and don't be afraid to research other than the WTBS publications. When you read only them, you are getting "one side of their story"...
Not sure where you are from, but I have found it very helpful to meet with some of the posters. For the most part, they are people just like you that want the "real truth" and are good, kind people.
take care and enjoy your new journey,
Im that you have all left and startedover. What do you think is ahead for you? have you found new religions, become atheists, are you lost? What do you think lies after death now? It must be strange to have had your whole future layed out for you and then have to start from scratch.
Country Girl
What really helped me is stepping back and looking at the whole history of the religion, and applying logic (not that I have a whole lot of that!). But it helps to look at other religions that are relatively new (and those that you have no emotional ties with) and see how they unfolded, and the lies they were founded on. It makes you begin to realize that the Witnesses aren't as unique or "special" as they claim they are. All these other religions also make the same claims.. especially the apocalyptic ones. You can kind of put it in a better perspective when you see, as proven once again, there is "nothing new under the sun."
Country Girl