Are Christians harmless?

by gumby 245 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LittleToe


    Behave because someone has told you to and because you will be punished if you don't, not because you know it to be the right behavior for you.

    To paraphrase the reasoning book: Not a Christian teaching.
    The whole ethos of the "Doctrine of Grace" is that regardless of how "good" or "bad" you are, you can't earn favour with God, either before or after He begins dealing with you.

    That seems to be a bit of a counter-culture to the argument of control that you seem to be espousing.

    Thereafter your comments seem to generalise on religion per se. Is it truly "religion" that will cause these things, or isn't it rather human beings? Man has a propensity to violence as well as religion. Unfortunately the two often join themselves in the mixing pot of human experiece, along with a dash of politics.
    May I ask, do you think that it'll be a Christian fundamentalist who will set off the first nuclear device?

  • Narkissos
    do you think that it'll be a Christian fundamentalist who will set off the first nuclear device?

    Well, it was very likely a Christian who did set off the first nuclear device...

  • LittleToe

    Narkissos:But my question would then be - did he set it off because he was a Christian?
    Hence is Christianity really the issue here?

  • Golf

    When they're under control, YES! Maybe the question should be, are most humans harmless? As long as there will be wars and reports of wars, innocent folks will suffer.

    Guest 77

  • Narkissos


    Narkissos:But my question would then be - did he set it off because he was a Christian?
    Hence is Christianity really the issue here?

    No, of course. I just saw your last post and couldn't help being naughty...

    Yet... the history of Western civilization is tied in with Christianity. "According to their fruits", you know.

    Seriously, what seems intellectually dishonest to me is to compare the best of one religion / culture with the worst of another. (You don't do that btw, but it is a very common apologetic trick.)

  • LittleToe

    Yes, it was very very naughty

    Seriously, what seems intellectually dishonest to me is to compare the best of one religion / culture with the worst of another.

    I agree. It betrays a real lack of honest appraisal.
    I'd rather hear people being candid about the pros and cons, rather than gloss over the facts, however disturbing they may be.
    Another lesson for the lurking JW's perchance?

  • Narkissos


    That's why, when I commented early on this thread (many pages ago), I focused on the core teaching of (post-Pauline) Christianity, i.e. salvation by / through the Cross. It diverged a little from Gumby's question (I actually addressed the question "is Christianity harmless?").

    You sounded somewhat offended by my comment though... (j/k )

  • gumby
    I'd rather hear people being candid about the pros and cons, rather than gloss over the facts, however disturbing they may be.

    If more people would apply the above comment, threads such as these would no doubt run a bit smoother It's when questions are dodged or not answered that seems to stir the pot.


  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    Someday, we will conquer the battle over organized religion and begin the worldwide conversion to an academic, secualr, scientific, and professional society based upon globally beneficial laws upon a foundation of natural principles.

    Until then, we will be forced to "deal" with religion, religious people, religious organizations and their never-ending quest to eventually convert others to the madness of searching for peace and spirituality in idols, buildings, icons and historical figures.

    It is unbelieveable that some just don't have the courage to test their own internal spirituality, or have the "guts" to think for themselves and look inside and ask what you really beleive, what you are really afraid of, and what you want in life. Instead, like co-dependent battered spouses, or drug addicts, they returning to the feeding troughs of religion and superstition.

    I feel sorry for those that cannot break free. I am angry at those that know and yet persist and influence others in the same direction.

  • ozziepost
    foundation of natural principles

    Where would these foundation pinciples come from? Who decides?

    Sounds like utopia alright.

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