I really need some help guys.
My youngest son is getting married in 3 weeks to a really annoying
young woman, 22. She has ADD and talks ALL THE TIME!! She
knows absolutely everything about everything, in her mind, that is.
There is no conversation that is sacred to her. She butts in and gives her two cents worth, no matter what. They have been going together for more than two years, and we have really tried hard to like her. My husband spent some time with her Saturday morning, and after they left the house, he said she is still just as annoying as the day we met her.
I have just been listening to her tell my son how to get hired by
the police force. She has NO knowledge of that subject AT ALL, but
is advising him anyway. He has applied to several, and hasn't been
hired yet. I think he will eventually, but is just still too young.
He has all the educational and physical requirements, and passes all
the tests, scoring very high. I wonder now if this gal is sabotaging
the oral exams with her stellar advice to him.
Anyway, the advice I want is how do I deal with her? She has the ADD and dyslexia, so doesn't read well. I've thought about buying her books on social manners, but she wouldn't be able to read them. I've told my son that she isn't as smart as he thinks she is, and he acknowledges that too. He actually has gotten her to stop interrupting when we are trying to talk to HIM.
A cousin of mine has a daughter with ADD and says it is part of that disorder, and to cut her a lot of slack. But, I just want to scream when I talk to her. She just knows everything............and to make matters even worse, she is a 'Christian', who is worse than any JW I've ever met.
I really like her parents and her sisters, who are all nothing like her. I wonder where she came from. If he was marrying her younger sister, I would be ecstatic. For the life of me I don't see his attraction to her. If she were a pretty girl, I would understand better, but she is quite plain. My other sons married women who are a lot like me, but this one is a mystery. And my son and I are very close, too. We are smiling and supportive through all of the wedding plans, and helping financially, because her family are Pastors, and so poor you wouldn't believe it.
She was telling me the other day how to do the rehearsal dinner, as though I had had no other sons who got married, and had never done this before. Duh!! She tried to make the invitations for the bridal shower my daughter is giving this weekend, until my daughter told her very nicely, that her responsibility for the shower, is to show up. Period.
I wonder how she will be able to keep her mouth shut during the minister's portion of the wedding service. I'm afraid she will interrupt him and tell him something he "doesn't know."
So, any advice on dealing with adults with ADD? Or is it another problem?
Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)