Dearest Kes, I don't! I worship my heavenly Father and His Son Jesus!
by RR 41 Replies latest watchtower bible
Dearest Kes, I don't! I worship my heavenly Father and His Son Jesus!
Dearest RR,
May you have the GREATEST of peace.
You 'say' you worship your heavenly Father and his Son, but truthfully, you hang on strongly to the words of a 'man' who has been called "Pastor Russell." You, like the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society have been decieved into worshiping a man/group of men/organization but have been told "you are really worshipping your Heavenly Father."
Your own bible tells you "not to put your trust in nobles, nor in the son of earthling man to whom no salvation belongs," yet you, in your heart, continue to glorify and emulate a man to whom the Spirit did not direct you to, and you have put faith in many of his words.
You do not have to continue this way.. for there is One whom you can go to who will "remove" this idolatry from you..but, ONLY if you "wish" it and ONLY if you "want" him to. However, if you do not wish him to and you do not want him to, then you will continue to be a slave to it, continue to be decieved by it, and in time IT will continue to be hidden from you and when the Adversary sees fit.. HE will use it AGAINST you.
If you have "ears," may you "hear" what the Spirit is saying to you.
Okay Kes, you got me. You know me all too well. I have a special room in my house dedicated to the great Prophet C.T. Russell. It's a shrine actually. I go in and meditate, there are pictures of him everywhere and a special life size figure of him. Three (that's 3) times a day I kneel before it and thank him for all the wonderful secrets he has shown me through the great pyramid of gizeh.
I am so honored to have a pair of shows he actually wore, I spit shine them everyday, feel unworthy even to waer them, because of his greatness.
You really don't know what you're missing Kes .... it's a shame!
I'm still curious to know how RR views The Great Pyramid:
God's Stone Witness
The Devil's Bible
Just curious; the question was asked earlier by Farkel but never answered by RR.
~Quotes, of the "Measures in Metric, not Years" class
I'm not so sure what to make of it! A pile of rock neatly piled up that confounds the greatest of men til today? If I had to choose between the two, I would say "God's Stone Witness."
: I believe he had the truth. Did he have ALL truth? no, but what he taught made sensen more sense than the current Watchtower teachings.
False dilemma, RR. You only presented two options when there are other options: your false dilamma suggested that the solution was either CTR or the WTS. You conveniently forgot another option: they might BOTH be wrong.
They are BOTH wrong. Get a fresh piece of paper and a new pencil and start over......
You are barking up the wrong trees, RR. This should be evident to you when you are faced with the knowledge that you are dealing with two frauds here.
I can tell by the shape of CTR's head that he wasn't that smart...then again he's in the Pleides sporting that flashy white robe he died in and I'm not so he got the last laugh.
There seems a contradiction here
Above you say in a reply on whether you believe Russell had the truth you say:
"I believe he had the truth. Did he have ALL truth? no, but what he taught made sense, more sense than the current Watchtower teachings."
So his teachings of Pryamidology, that Christ came in 1874, with Armageddon in 1914, make nore sense than WT teachings !!!
Then when someone made a comment about the "Studies in the Scriptures" being silly and erroneous.
You replied
"I have read them, dozens of times. I don't think it's silly or erroneous."
If the "Studies" aren't "silly and erroneous" are you saying they were truth.
No you don't have a room in your home as a shrine to Russel.
The shrine is in your heart and mind.
How much room does Jesus have there?
How does Jesus feel about sharing you with the teachings of a man?
can you really hold Russell completely FAULTLESS for the later actions of J. R. Rutherford?
Yes. Absolutely. That is the founding principle of all democratic civilizations, and a few of the others besides. Everyone dies for their own damn sins, not anybody else's. What Russell did was not always good, but he didn't make JF take advantage of the situation.
Russell tripped people by accident. JF picked their pockets while they were down.
This is not personal, I enjoy your posts and I'm glad your here..I just don't understand why you exchanged one misguided religion for the misguided one it was based on...if it floats your boat that's ok but to call it truth or extol the fine qualties of it's founder are too much!
When CTR died he his teachings were:
1) The time of the end began in 1799 ( French revolution) Do you agree with that?
2) 1874 Christ returned invisibly based on calculations that man had been on the earth for 6000 years in 1874. WT or Fred Franz later changed it so 6000 years culminated in 1975. Which is correct and does it matter? Do you believe Christ returned in 1874 and if so then is that because you believe man had been on earth for 6000 years at that time?
3) 1914 came and went contrary to what CTR taught. Was his pyramid calculations accurate or not?
4) Did he not make comments on blacks not being as intelligent as whites, doesn't that bother you. I'm white and it bothers me, someone with so much power over so many, the ability to influence what they think and believe and then to say something so uninspired and derogitory turns my stomach.
If conversations like this bother you RR I would refrain from starting threads where you invite Criticism of your faith or who it's based on.