Jeffro: Or it could just be speculation based on gossip.
Now we're spreading rumors based on "speculation based on gossip!"
by Separation of Powers 92 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Jeffro: Or it could just be speculation based on gossip.
Now we're spreading rumors based on "speculation based on gossip!"
Yes I heard something like 'Buckle your seat belts' 5 years ago.
I actually think this particular scare is the GB getting people ready for the 'wicked world' to turn on them, so they think they will have to change their way of worship, Sell Kingdom Halls?
this is all freaky to me. It's really strange hearing about them making mainstream moves and then reading about them in reality reinforcing their hardline policies. It's an easygoing facade covering some very dark stuff. They're becoming more like Mormons every day.
She says, "The brother said that the GB want us all to know that soon, very soon our way of worship will be altered by this wicked world."
The wicked world altering JW way of worship? I'm thinking more brothers will be wearing tight pants to the Kingdumb Haul... very soon now.
There was a C.O. that said 15 years ago, "We (meaning WTBTS know's) know that there are things that we must change, please be patient with us while we make these changes for the better". "(+/-)"
My question is, "Have the WTBTS "advisors" or who ever is really running this corporation told them that IF their followers, who are increasing in discontented followers, believe there will be changes in the future that they can maintain better control over the followers/believers?
This would be Similar to an alcoholic, wife abusing, white undershirt wearing husband, that is cheating on his wife promising her, "I promise things are going to change" and the woman will hang on and stay around?
The WTBTS has always marketed and sold "uncertainty" just like a weather forecaster does, (although the weather forecasters have a stellar reputation compared to the WTBTS), and WTBTS are just twisting it a bit saying there are changes coming, Nothing New Here. Same pricks in charge. Same BS.
Around the 1970s the District Overseer made a statement at the end of his talk that said "The Society [The Watchtower] has information that we will be attacked soon." I remember asking the man who was studying with me what that meant but I got no response.
I forgot all about it but several years later the same DO said exactly the same thing at the end of his talk. That's when I realized that he was reading from a script that was years old.
They are going to build lots of pretty new halls, then send you to your basements on some pretext and sell the halls. That will change the way you worship.
Has the WTS put any signs up such as " Arbeit macht frei" which is a German phrase meaning "Work Makes (You) Free".
It was placed up at a Nazi concentration camps during World War II, including Auschwitz