GB says, "Our way of worship will soon be altered."
by Separation of Powers 92 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
@splash- i made an inquiry of an elder here in DC and he had no knowledge of such arrangments to test the broadcast or for any plans for upcomming streaming in april. Any details or the specifics of a dated letter would be appreciated :) -
"Our way of worship will soon be altered."
You mean more than it already has?
This religion is pretty unrecognizable from the one I joined in the early '80s!
By the way, I no longer refer to God by the antiquated, out-dated term "Jehovah." I now simply call him "J".
It's very streamlined and cool, very modern and hip.
I got the idea from the whole JW.ORG thing. Hey, it's the fucking 21st Century. Get the clue. Go big or go home!
J and I, we're very close. J is my homey. We're tight like that.
Yes designated men will no longer give public talks on Sunday meetings, instead a big video screen will be installed at all Kingdom Halls and brothers from Bethel will be giving the prescribed talk prerecorded.
A brother may even animated as not to disclose who he is.
The Watchtower Corporation is going main stream digital.
........... with Jehovah's blessings of course.
" The brother said that the GB want us all to know that soon , VERY SOON our way of worship will be altered by this wicked world. "
Translation : " Our financial tits are in the wringer with all of these child abuse lawsuits coming at us from Satan's wicked world. One reason we need volunteers to serve as attorneys in our legal department. We want you brothers and sisters to know that if WE the GB get thrown into prison due to persecution because of aiding and abetting child molesters or financial dishonesty - please realize it's a ploy from Satan to deceive you and that we are REALLY being persecuted for righteousness's sake. AS Jesus stated, " A prophet is never respected in his home town ." We remain your brothers in Jehovah's service - new light coming soon from a federal prison near you. Stay logged on to JW.ORG. "
I can see some sort of excuses like this being made in all seriousness without the GB blinking an eye
Yeah, settin aside your donations for their bail. -
flipper - " light coming soon from a federal prison near you..."
Seriously, though, I wouldn't be surprised if the WT Legal Dept. hasn't managed to conjure enough distance between the GB and their responsibility for the actions of the rank-and-file to avoid this...
...but seeing the Society's tax-exempt statues revoked?
Far less unlikely, IMO.
Separation of Powers
I think the post about the efforts of the Mormon church to get ahead of the coming legislation on gays may have some bearing on tax-exempt status.......the masses are murmuring and soon government will have to force the hand of those that blatantly exclude or discriminate, religious or not.....So, how do you force the hand? You pry it open and take out the crumpled dollars! -
The speeding up of the work clearly identifies the fact that we are very near the end of this old wicked world. All of this is pretty exciting. Who knew that of all of humanity we would be blessed with being the chosen generation (and in generation, I don't mean the overlapping generation) to experience gods wondrous wrath and love all wrapped up in a tight little ball. Just, Wow! -
Your Mum said, that the C.O. said, that the G B said.........
Sorry but there are too many links in the chain of "Chinese Whispers"