Look for fewer Kingdom Halls being built in more remote or underpopulated areas. My insider contacts have been out of touch over the past couple of months and I've been busy, so haven't been paying close attention. This past week I did chat briefly with someone who emailed me and told me that they had some information to share. I have no proof of this person's access to inside information or credibility, but what he shared fits with this thread.
Kingdom Halls built in small rural towns cost the Watchtower about the same as Halls built in big cities - except for land investment. Some of the KHs in remote areas are in relatively poor condition (compared to those found in larger cities) and the cost to rebuild or upgrade to current WT standards would be money that could not be regained in a sale of those properties. In the USA think of remote areas of North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, eastern Washington state - even areas in Arkansas, Mississippi and Louisiana.
The rumor is that the WT will continue to build Assembly Halls in larger towns and cities. For remote areas with less than 50 publishers, they will either rent space in a commercial building (this was a common practice in the 1950s) or have everyone meet at one of the elder's homes (like the old Book Study days).
A series of Public talks and Watchtower Studies will be streamed over the Internet (protected by special logins so that apostates can't sneak in - or the public, for that matter). Interesting that "Public Talks" will be presented, but NOT AVAILABLE to the public!
This concept of "streaming meetings" may be what they mean by "our way of worship will soon be altered."
Notice that they are not saying, "we will be changing our beliefs" or "we will be changing our policies." Instead, the rumors indicate that they will be changing the "...WAY we worship."
So far my friends with inside contacts have been right about 50% of the time. But this rumor sounds very plausible. This will allow the Watchtower to sell off some properties that have been losing value and reinvest only in major cities and growth areas - even though there are no current needs in those areas. It's all about property flips.
It also seems reasonable that Internet streaming will reduce some concerns that local elders might inject some of their own understanding into the local meetings. (This seems to be a small, but growing trend: elders who privately disagree with WT teaching and policy, but want to remain in responsible positions and keep their influence over local JWs.)
Call me crazy, but I think that many of the rumors will play out. All we can do is sit back and be amazed by what the Watchtower will do next.