Dearest GB... thanks for the "support"! I know some of the folks are quite new here, so it'll take 'em a minute to get to know me.
Toreador, honey, I don't do drugs; don't drink hard liquor; don't mess with caffeine; don't even do sugar, per se. I'm an insulin diabetic (and my only "reaction" there is to break out every now and again from allergies), so I don't mess around much. A glass of wine/champagne with dinner now and again (the champagne seems a bit "easier" on my system), and beer, like, once every three months or... if its REAL hot... but other than that... I'm pretty "square."
And CZAR... what a love. Thank YOU for your support... and please know that my Lord has NEVER told me to curse or condemn ANYONE. Quite the opposite: he has told me that as his disciple, I am CHARGED... with showing mercy: I MUST forgive and release... if I wish to BE forgiven and released. As a foremost sinner... well, you do the math.
To all of you: I know of the "god" you been taught by religion; however, that is NOT the Most Holy One of Israel, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, whose name is JAH... of Armies. If you want to know the TRUE God... then you MUST first know His Son. If you want to know what the True God is LIKE... then look to that Son... the "copper serpent" that He held up for us to gaze at. Look at the recorded life of my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, and tell me where you find vengeance and hatred and exacting and retribution. You will not, for he was patient and loving and merciful. Since HE is the "image of the invisible God," and "the exact representation of His very being," since HE said that he did NOTHING of his own initiative but just as the Father taught HIM... he DID... you have no need to wonder what type of person God truly is.
For my Lord came to bear witness to the TRUTH about God... which truth is born out in the words, "JAH, JAH, a God MERCIFUL... SLOW TO ANGER... and ABUNDANT in loving kindness..." which my Lord LIVED... rather than preached. His "form of godly devotion"... proved TRUE to its power.
That you do not yet know him makes me sad. But I keep heart... for I know that the Father will NOT hide His Son from those earnestly seeking Him. If then you want to know God... then you MUST...
And yes, that One DOES speak... openly and honestly... to all. The question is: are you LISTENING?
Matthew 17:5; John 10:27
For if you do not hear, then perhaps it is just as Logical said: you do not want to hear what is being SAID. For he will NOT start with showing you others... and NOT start with giving you revelations of long hidden things. He will start... with YOU: what's truly inside YOU - what YOU truly are! And for all of us, initially... it ain't pretty. And you know it; HEARING it... from another, however... is the thing... the HARD thing.
You must first, then, let him help you extract the rafter from YOUR eye... so that when you are looking at anything else... you can actually SEE... without obstruction.
I bid you all the greatest of peace!
Your servant and a slave of Christ,