This past Saturday I took a trip to the library to find the answer to the thread subject. According to what I have read the real pronounciation of God's name is lost because of this Jews usually identify God as Adonai (Lord) as a sign of respect. Scholars substituted YHWH with LORD. The capital letters symbolize YHWH but does not translate the meaning of YHWH. Scholar refer the sacred name as the Jews do in the Bible. Scholars believe that best attempt to pronounce YHWH is Yahweh and Jehovah is pure invention. The word Tetratgramaton which is used to idenitify YHWH was created by Kabbalist. The divine name YHWH was adopted in ancient Sumaria. Historians believe this is do to Jew's involvement in Sumaria.
Why Jehovah is not included in some Bible.
by homme perdu 55 Replies latest watchtower bible
Interesting research isn't it. And hear Jehovah's Witnesses use Jehovah in the translation of the Greek scriptures, even though it was not in there.
If the God of the bible thought it was important to have people know his name, you can be sure he would have made darn sure we have the exact pronounciation today wouldn't he??????????????? Wouldn't that make sense?
Basically my reasearch showed that God's name was not important otherwise it would be in the hebrew scriptures very clearly. Ancient Hebrew was lost even to the Hebrews in time.
The divine name YHWH was adopted in ancient Sumaria. Historians believe this is do to Jew's involvement in Sumaria.
You have been busy . Thanks ! Got any more research bring it on and post it.
homme perdu
Archeologist discovered a wall with graffiti that said, "YHWH of Sumaria".
Homme how are things going ? You don't say much and i am hoping all is alright. I don't mean to pry just concerned.
Anyone who has read the Bible knows that God does have a name, a name that distinguishes who He is and in a sense what He is. Exactly how His name is pronounced is unimportant. Having said the foregoing, I would agree that the WTS has gone into the realm of superstition in their emphases on using the Divine name. It also seems to be true that the writers of the Christian Greek Scriptures did not record anyone (including Jesus) saying God's name. So the New World Translation Committee (Fred Franz?) was changing God's word when they inserted the Divine name where the original writers did not use it. Their motive was undoubtedly to bend the scriptures to support their teachings.
Room 215
I've come to the opinion that the frequent, off-hand use of the name ``Jehovah" by the JWs, as in ``Jehovah this" and ``Jehovah that" actually debases, cheapens, or renders commonplace, and therefore has exactly the opposite effect intended by the dubs. For example, how would a judge in court react to being addressed by his name, or how does a parent react were a child to address them by their first name? Then too, since in Judeo-Christian monotheism there is but one Almighty, does it not seem superfluous to apply a name the Diety, as if He were one of many, and is therefore not that practice a vestige of polytheism, where each culture had its own named god?
Archeologist discovered a wall with graffiti that said, "YHWH of Sumaria".
Actually "Yhwh of Samaria". The designation is found along with "Yhwh of Teiman" in the 7th century BC Kuntillet 'Ajrud inscriptions. This is not "the origin" of the name Yhwh, only one of several combinations of it with the name of various sanctuaries (cf. the association of Baal with several toponyms in the Bible).
When you wrote:
The divine name YHWH was adopted in ancient Sumaria
I thought you meant "Sumeria" but misspelled it. It would hardly be a surprise that YHWH was adopted in "ancient Samaria" -- for that is nothing other than ancient Israel (the northern kingdom)!