What is the true Christian religion / faith?

by evergreen 79 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • heathen

    LT --- It seems I'm always arguing that the trinity does have an official doctrine that was approved by the catholic church . These new fangled ideas on the subject are something new that does not have an official doctrine by religionists .Mainstream religionists will always hold the official doctrine that God , jesus and the holy spirit are equal and the same being all in one .

    There is nothing wrong with posting your opinion but when you try and make your opinion look more informed but do not post any new information to support it then it has no more weight than writing you don't know what you are talking about .

    edited to add --- revelation is an apocolyptic writing like Daniel . When we read Daniel the explanation of what the beasts represent is that they are world powers so to me the beasts in revelation are world powers .

    True that sin entered the world thru adam but it was all the master plan of the devil according to scripture .

  • LittleToe

    Just as you quoteth Ghandi, LT quoteth the sagely and inspired words of Monthy Pythoneth...

    Ya want me to swing with ya, do ya, big boy?

    To be frank, arguing about and for the Trinity bores me silly. Been there, done that.
    I do take issue when it's misrepresented, though.
    The doctrine states they are the same "substance", which is not to be confused with the idea that they are the same person.

    You'll have to elaborate on the scriptural "Master Plan of the Devil", as I seem to have mislaid that scroll

    "The Beast" of Revelation, that destroys the Harlot, is a different beast to those in Daniel.

    How is it that the kings give the beast their power (chp17), bewail the one the beast devours (chp18), and finally fight alongside the beast (chp19) if it represents all "the world's governments"?

    If it weren't for my serious reservations about giving it a modern identity, I might go so far as calling it a [government, kingdom or organization].

    This is just one more area where there is much room for debate, and highlights why there is so much variety in "Christian" religion. It also shows why it's so important not to major on the minors. Knowing the absolute truth of the meaning of Revelation isn't going to buy folks anything, far less a relationship with God.

    I've commented on the 144k thang, on the thread you mentioned...

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    Frying pan into the fire?

    Right now i am a dues paying member of the local Bangor Maine Unitarian Universalist church.

    Thats right,i'm the guy who memorized over 2,000 scripts verbatim from the nwt,and now i belong to the most liberal 'anything goes' church.

    I am not gonna have anybodys dogma shoved down by throat after the JW experience.

    For those who want to go get saved i suggest the Baptist church.

    That's it.

  • evergreen

    Hi folks,I havent managed to read everything yet on this topic ,but what i have has been very interesting.

    Gumby- good point about being in a muslim country re suddenly reading the bible!!

    Flash- I am at the moment thinking along the lines of your view on things and also view the organisation as very narrowminded on a lot of things although they have got a lot of things that seem to relate to what is said in the bible.But you are right about all the typical and antitypical stuff-Whats that all about? Its like they have truths and half truths(also stuff they have just plain got wrong) and then all that flipflopping thats been going on. I,ll have to read about the 3rd heaven stuff -not read it yet.

    I still have to read the rest of this message board as i have been away and at work etc but thanks for all the info and i will mull over everything that has been submitted.

    Ps how do you box a statement sent in by someone so as i can bring up that point on the messge board????

  • evergreen

    Hi Littlejoe,I,m an Irishman living in England for some 15 years now .Thanks for the welcomeslainte

    Its great to be able to at last say what i feel about the religion i have now been in for about 12 years .All those niggling little doubts that i had about my new found faith are now beginning to surface .I could never get my head round Jesus being Michael the Arch angel. That probaly was one of the first, but there are so many !!!!

    Flashes point about the anti typical and typical were to say the least mind boggling at times.

    I strongly feel that the GB have to try to and explain every single scripture ,after all they are the channel of communication between God and his people.This is where it all comes back on them , the flip flopping ,the prophecies etc etc ( If they were the channell ,God must be very fickle.//////..yes it is ...no it isnt / yes it will ...no it wont / and on this date ...no, correction not on that date!!!)

    There are as Flash mentions truths that i do agree with that they do mention as they are clearly there in black and white in the bible. But a lot of what they say is so obscure that it would even baffle Einstein.

    But thanks for your views ,at least this way a person has the freedom to speak what they feel.


  • heathen

    Welcome to the board evergreen . I have to say I agree with you there is alot the WTBTS changes and some stuff they will never get right . They believe they are in the process of a refining of beliefs but they have shown throughout history their lack of tolerance for free thought or speech . I think the process takes longer because they are control freaks that don't care whether they are wrong but rather if they can convince someone that they are right with all sorts of trick lanquage and group pressure starting with the elder arrangement which is unscriptual to begin with . I hope you do find what you are looking for because I can testify that the board has been one of the most informative and interesting places I have visited on the web.

    LT --------- Satan is as much to blame for our problems as adam or eve . Jesus was adamant about satan being a man slayer when he started out and also the father of the lie and now the battle is mainly between the 2 seeds . The seed of the serpent and the holy ones of Israel .

  • LittleToe

    I'm glad you found this place and hope you enjoy it as much as I have

    To be blantantly honest, I'm perfectly ok with people having their own beliefs.
    I do, sometimes, have difficulty with them being dogmatically expressed as infallible, and reserve the right to ask question and point out where they actually hold (as do I) merely opinions. Nonetheless, I'd fight for their right to express them.

    IMHO the WTS are wrong on every count. Even when they appear to have things that approach a similitude of "rightness" it's tainted with a detraction from Christ, which I find unusual for an borganization that claims to be Christian. Don't even get me started on the way they use "last days prophecy" to instil fear in their members!!

    For a brief bit of bio, I was raised a JW, and served as an Elder here in Scotland. I finally saw the light in my thirties and left about three years ago.

    Slainte bha!

    Heathen:I agree that is the way scripture portrays it, though interestingly it's Adam that gets the blame (not Eve or Satan). I totally agree that Satan is given the title of "father of the lie", and is described as one who was a manslayer from the beginning, nonetheless the blame for sin isn't shared with him, from what I read.
    So, please humour me - what about this master plan?
    I heard plenty about it in the Kingdum Hell, but find difficulty finding it in the Bible.

  • Flash

    Hi evergreen

    Flash- ...But you are right about all the typical and antitypical stuff-Whats that all about? Its like they have truths and half truths(also stuff they have just plain got wrong) and then all that flipflopping thats been going on. I,ll have to read about the 3rd heaven stuff -not read it yet.

    You already know the answer! The Third Heaven 'New Light' is OUTRAGEOUS!

    I strongly feel that the GB have to try to and explain every single scripture ,after all they are the channel of communication between God and his people.

    And I might add, they have out-of control Egos too!

    Ps how do you box a statement sent in by someone so as i can bring up that point on the messge board????

    Highlite the text and click on the Quotation Marks next to the Emoticon Face. Also, if you want to UN-DO something, highlite and click on the symbol that looks like a can tipping over between the clipboard and the paperclip.

  • evergreen
    Highlite the text and click on the Quotation Marks next to the Emoticon Face. Also, if you want to UN-DO something, highlite and click on the symbol that looks like a can tipping over between the clipboard and the paperclip.

    Flash - ive cracked it thankyou for your advise.

    For a brief bit of bio, I was raised a JW, and served as an Elder here in Scotland. I finally saw the light in my thirties and left about three years ago.

    Littletoe ( not littlejoe sorry!) How long were you an elder and what finally made you decide that enough was enough. What was that defining moment where you said "thats it..finished"?

    Also whilst being an elder, did you find that your life was completely taken up preparing talks and items, and did you feel that there were too many meetings and too much irrelevant information crammed into each of the 5 meetings per week? ( being a servant for some 6 years i found that this was hard going enough ,let alone the responsibilities an elder has to shoulder)


    Welcome to the board evergreen
    Cheers Heathen
  • heathen

    LT --- There are other places in the bible where eve is considered more to blame than adam as she was totally deceived and adam was considered just a victim so the arrangement of men in worship puts men in a much more dominant role . 2 Timothy 2:14. You may have heard at the WTBTS meeting that satans master plan is to mislead people from the pure worship to God .

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