If God exists and is more powerful and wonderful than us and we are vulnerable, weak and dying; why present a ritual of belief to rescue us? That ritual of belief requires something from us; the dying. It is a bootstrapping process. A person who cannot swim can be shown a life preserver and have it tossed at them; but, unless they can swim over to it and grab ahold they will drown.
Most Christians act like everybody automatically sees Jesus as the Life Preserver and should just grab on. But, that just isn't so. We only see Jesus the way he has been presented to us. It might be a good way, a bad way or a repugnantly confusing way.
If God exists and is a Father, he certainly acts in a way no human father acts unless that human father was cold, impudent and heartless.
I find Faith pointless. After all, it is only "faith" if we cannot prove what we believe. If we COULD prove it; it would be "knowledge" or "data" and would not require faith. Since we cannot prove any of the things we "believe" we are guessing we must be right and banking our very lives on the conjecture. That is gambling. Gambler's risk and lose as a matter of course.
What is religion? Religion is a way of demonstrating truth by using make-believe. We guess at the truth and we wrap it in a storybook tale and then babble on about it like it was today's newspaper headlines.
There is no TRUE Christian faith. Period! If there were it would be so obvious to everybody because its origin would be perfectly correct logically, emotionally, morally, ethically and there would be no failure involved in the practice of it. To demonstrate that all Christian faith is bogus just look at the failure rate for prayer. Relgion, per se, is mythos presented as fact. It is ritual and folk wisdom, prejudice, stone age science, illogic and nonsense sugar coated with psycho-babble about "love" and "truth" and everlasting this and that.
Millions upon millions of honest hearted people cry out to God through the ages with fervent heart rending pleas for his guidance. They end up under six feet of dirt after years of time wasted on mumbles to the sky. Religion and the search for ultimate god-truth is a waste of time and effort. It is a red herring we don't grow out of as a species.
Religion and the search for true faith stalls us on a blind alley journey. All the great and wonderful strides made for humanity have come from ordinary people using their minds and hard work to better their life. Most of the human suffering have come from people completely devout in their utter conviction that they were right and the person they were killing was wrong and deserving of punishment.
Jehovah's Witnesses live gleefully for the day billions of people; men, women, children and sucklings are struck down in a bloody carnage of reprisal from their tribal god Jehovah. How lovely! What a beautiful core around which they waste their indolent lives in mind-numbing repetitions of creaky funk passing for wisdom.
Don't waste any more time in this pursuit. Get on with your life. Make something wonderful out of it by using YOUR OWN MIND. Don't get bogged down searching for a treasure map in the dumpster of history. Look at the "bible" for what it is: tens of thousands of scraps of garbage dug out of caves that has rotted and been pieced together by guesswork and the endless toil of obsessive-compulsive neurotics hell-bent on reassembling the ravings of lunatics from dark ages hence.
Have a new life and a happy journey.