Remembering Will

by SlayerLayer 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • SlayerLayer

    I didn't really know these people that well. I was only ten. We were at their house eating dinner, one sunday after the meeting. They had two children Josh and Will. They were just little kids to me. I don't know their exact ages but I would guess that Will was probably around 5 or 6 and Josh was even younger.

    I was too old to have in fun with them I thought. They are just kids. I wanted to go home. I was bored.

    Flash foward.

    I was 23 and had been disfellowshipped for a couple of years. I ran into some kids that had recently been d'fd themselves. They were all around 18 years of age. They had discovered the world of drugs and sex. It was strange for me because I remembered them as being little kids running around the kingdom hall, and here they were introducing me to acid and weed. Will was among them.

    I took a job at the restaurant that Will and a couple others worked at. One night, Will and I were outside behind the building taking a smoke break. We talked about the night that I was at their house when we were kids. He said that when we were little, he looked up to me a lot, and that he thought I was so cool.

    We talked about how d'fing affects people. About how alone we were now that our friends and family shun us. I told him that we would have to look out for each other now, because no one else would. I felt like I gained a little brother that night.

    Flash forward.

    I was 26. I had since moved away and had not seen Will in 2 1/2 years.

    I was working in construction. One day at work, we were using a rope to raise materials to the walkboard 30 feet above us. My coworker and I were always playing sick jokes. I tied the rope into a noose and put it around my neck. I said " I Can't take the pressure anymore!". It was a joke. We laughed and went back to work.

    That night I recieved a phone call from my mother. She said that Will had been found in a motel. He had hung himself.

    The words that we spoke to each other that night at the restaurant haunted me. I had not been there.

    I later found out that Will had been in and out of jail. He was trying to get reinstated, but always felt that he couldn't do it. He felt that he had done too much in Jehovah's eyes. The pressure to get reinstated had gotten to him, and now he was dead.

    It's been about 3 years since he died. I think about the night we said that we would look out for each other. I think about it a lot.

    I don't really know why I am posting this story. Maybe because I want people to know how the org can devestate your life. Maybe it's because I feel guilty that I wasn't there. Or maybe it's because I want people to...

    Remember Will


    "You are here because the world as you know it no longer makes sense.
    You've been raised on television to believe we'll all be millionaires and movie gods and rock stars - but we won't.
    You pray for a different life." Tyler Durden

  • Big Jim
    Big Jim

    Sad story and it really goes to show how the Borg has and continues to destroy many lifes.
    Even after you get out the after shock can last for years. It is to bad that Will could not have learned the truth about the non-truth so he would not have been so guilt ridden.

    Sorry for the loss.

  • rodnico

    Now I am remembering the people I could have helped or could have been nicer to in my haste to free myself from the organizaiton.

    "That old saying, how you always hurt the one you love. Well, it works both ways."

  • mommy

    ((((((hugs))))))) Slayer
    I to will think of Will. I remember feelng like I was a failure too. There is such a pressure for everyone to be clone like, for us weirdos that use their free never seem to fit in.

    Blind faith can justify anything~Richard Dawkins, The selfish gene

  • You Know
    You Know

    Some guy defies all good sense and goes out and wastes himself on dope and booze and basically kills himself, and you blame the Watchtower for his failure? You must have a walnut for a brain is all that I can say. / You Know

  • SlayerLayer

    You Know,
    Could you BE more of an insensitive prick? What a fine christian example you are setting! I've never really given much thought to anything you post. I usually just consider the source. But I wish I could stand face to face with you right now. I would beat the living shit out of you. You should thank your "Jehovah" that you can hide behind a computer.

    "You are here because the world as you know it no longer makes sense.
    You've been raised on television to believe we'll all be millionaires and movie gods and rock stars - but we won't.
    You pray for a different life." Tyler Durden

  • ianao


    I wouldn't worry about "you know" too much. Judging from the photo, it wouldn't be the first time someone beats the living shit out of him...

  • You Know
    You Know
    Could you BE more of an insensitive prick?

    I thought I was being generous with the walnut comparison, judging by your reasoning ability a chickpea is probably a closer approximation to the actual size. LOL / You Know

  • 68storm


    I'm with you on this one. Let's beat the shit out of Bobby, but be carefull not to kill him. Just to the point that he needs a blood transfusion. I am sure that a coward like him would be the first in accepting one.

    Truly sick and heartless.


  • joelbear

    Slayer, I really like you a lot buddy. I have had no one close to me commit suicide, but I know of several through friends that have.

    Disfellowshipping is a manmade institution run by men. It is so easy to see how horrible a psychological blow it is to people, especially young people, to be cut off socially. It is in a word detestable.

    You Know never ceases to amaze me. I doubt seriously that he is an active witness.

    Virtual hugs to you my friend. Don't punish yourself for the past, but instead use what you have learned to help you help others in the future.



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