Remembering Will

by SlayerLayer 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • Roamingfeline

    (((((((((Slayer))))))))) You have my deep sympathy for the loss of your friend. Suicide is a horrible thing to have to deal with, I know from personal experience. I hope we can offer strength and caring to you, instead of the judgemental, self-righteous ignorance of the YOu KNOW's of this world.


  • Roamingfeline
    Really? Just what can you teach me that I don't already know?

    You Know,

    That statement alone shows your supreme, arrogant, unadulterated, ignorance. 'nuff said.


  • You Know
    You Know
    That statement alone shows your supreme, arrogant, unadulterated, ignorance. 'nuff said.

    It was a legitimate question. Job essentially said the same thing to his apostate accusers. Read Job 13:2. / You Know

  • seven006

    You Know it all,

    The cut and paste technique that you learned in grade school has certainly come in handy for you. I'll bet you were quite the little tattle tail as a child. You think you have all the answers. You have your little green securely bible tucked under your arm as you sit sucking your thumb waiting for a chance to recite your little scriptures like mommies good little boy.

    You "have no clue who I am or idea of my level of intelligence. But as usual you think you do, You Know" everything. As long as it has something to do with "you", you think you have nothing to learn. You remind me of Charles Manson, another know it all.

    So what, you might have done a little heroin and now your a green bible thumper. Codependency is codependency no mater what your preferred drug is. Isn't your little watchtower good enough for you, or are you smarter than the ones who tell you how to think?

    If I ever get bored enough to respond to another one of your narrow-minded little bits of drivel I'll be sure and give you some dotted lines to help you in your little cut and paste game. Only a fool thinks they know it all and has noting to learn, but there is no telling you that because, "you know it all". You have no clue about how stupid you make yourself look, but that doesn't matter to you does it? As long as you think you know everything no body else matters do they? You know more than any apostate and you know more then your governing body members. You must be quite the little god.

    As long as you keep your conversations centered in your little green bible world you feel all safe and dry like a good little tot. Only an idiot can refuse to see that you have replaced one form of escapism with another. You abuse the bible just as you abused your drugs. It's the same thing, just different packages. You have neither the intelligence or character to stand on your own and think for yourself. If it's not a needle in your vain its a bible in your brain. You are the king of the walking wounded, you chose the perfect little icon for yourself.

    BTW "You Know it All", my name is Dave, what's yours? Are you too afraid your masters will find out you are playing this game? You are such a spineless coward. Why should you be afraid of anyone knowing who you are? Someone as smart as you shouldn't be afraid of anything. Come on big mouth, tell me your real name, or are you as much of a coward as you are an idiot?

    I repeat, you are a lonely pathetic little man.


  • seven006


    To any Jehovah's Witnesses lurking on this board. The poster known as "You Know" clams to be of the anointed but makes posts claiming the Governing Body is wrong!
    He is the biggest apostate on this board and is a member of the Evil Slave Class.

    His posts should be avoided by all Jehovah's Witnesses!

  • You Know
    You Know
    I'll bet you were quite the little tattle tail as a child.

    I think your losing it here a little bit man. Try and get a grip and pull yourself together.

    You think you have all the answers.

    That's true. When it comes to matters of my faith I make it a point to get the right answers. Is there something wrong with that?

    You "have no clue who I am or idea of my level of intelligence.

    That's true. I really have no interest in your personal affairs one way or the other. For some bizarre reason though you seem to be obssessing with my private life. Why is that?

    As long as it has something to do with "you", you think you have nothing to learn.


    So what, you might have done a little heroin and now your a green bible thumper. Codependency is codependency no mater what your preferred drug is.

    For your info, I thump the brown colored reference Bible. LOL

    If I ever get bored enough to respond to another one of your narrow-minded little bits of drivel I'll be sure and give you some dotted lines to help you in your little cut and paste game.


    Only a fool thinks they know it all and has noting to learn, but there is no telling you that because, "you know it all".

    I don't claim to know everything, I just know from experince that there is nothing an apostate can teach me about the truth. Prove me wrong.

    You have no clue about how stupid you make yourself look, but that doesn't matter to you does it?

    No, it doesn't matter to me at all. Apostates revile and ridicule all my brothers. So, it's just something that goes with the territory. I am sure if you could get your hands on Christ you would do the same to him too---worse probably.

    You know more than any apostate and you know more then your governing body members. You must be quite the little god.

    So deal with it! LOL

    As long as you keep your conversations centered in your little green bible world you feel all safe and dry like a good little tot.

    Why this childish obsession with the color of my Bible? Did you ever actually get past the outer covering of your Bible? I don't get it.

    Only an idiot can refuse to see that you have replaced one form of escapism with another. You abuse the bible just as you abused your drugs. It's the same thing, just different packages.

    That's true. Once back in my druggy days I ran out of rolling papers so I ripped a page out of the ole King James Bible that happened to be laying on this guy's coffe table, not the Green one, and rolled a joint with it. LOL

    If it's not a needle in your vain its a bible in your brain.

    Hey, I like that. Kind of snappy sounding. Don't you mean "vein" though instead of "vain"?

    BTW "You Know it All", my name is Dave, what's yours?


    Are you too afraid your masters will find out you are playing this game?

    My Master knows where I play and what I do.

    You are such a spineless coward. Why should you be afraid of anyone knowing who you are? Someone as smart as you shouldn't be afraid of anything. Come on big mouth, tell me your real name, or are you as much of a coward as you are an idiot?

    You really are losing it. Everyone in Apostatedom knows my name. And judging by your vicious disposition I suppose I should be afraid.

    / You Know

  • larc


    I wanted to mention this before; you are really a good writer. Also, I agree with everything you say about You Know.

    You Know,

    Let us assume that you are absolutely right in everything you believe right down to the very last detail. Your posts still lack an important ingredient, the ingredient that Jesus emphasized, love and mercy. That is why I suggested that you read 1Cor. 13. You might take a look at Ecclesiastes the beginning of the third chapter on the matter of timing.

    Question: Do you talk to people at the door, the way you talk to us?

  • You Know
    You Know
    Question: Do you talk to people at the door, the way you talk to us?

    No, of course not. People at the door aren't apostates that are trying to subvert someone's faith. Let me ask you: Did Jesus speak to his enemies the same way that he did to his apostles? Obviously not. He scorched the Pharisees, calling them murderers, fools, blind guides, and offspring of vipers. Was that unkind of him or was Christ unchristian? I am under no obligation to give moral support to those who are obviously opposed to Jehovah. / You Know

  • safe4kids


    I just wanted you to know that your story of Will touched me deeply and I am glad that you shared it with us. I have never lost someone I knew very well through suicide but I came quite close to doing it to myself at one point. And yes, while I accept responsibility for having even considered that as an option, there were other factors that I had no control over that influenced my feelings and thoughts and caused me a great deal of pain. ONE of those factors was the 'Christian love' (the lack thereof) I received from my 'brothers'...most of you know what I am referring to as it has been demonstrated in this very thread. Some words that come to mind...heartless, judgemental, arrogant, well..I'm sure you all know what I mean.

    Slayer, I always enjoy your posts and hope that you can ignore the negative responses you've received here and feel the warmth, compassion, and understanding from those who care.


    "A single event can awaken within us a stranger totally unknown to us. To live is to be slowly born."
    Antoine de Saint-Exupery

  • You Know
    You Know
    He is the biggest apostate on this board and is a member of the Evil Slave Class.

    I seriously think you are losing it Dave. If I am a member of the Evil Slave class, doesn't that mean that the Governing Body must conversely be the the faithful slave? How are you going to get out of this mess that you have stumbled into? LOL

    His posts should be avoided by all Jehovah's Witnesses!

    You are a riot man! So, aren't you advocating mind control? I thought apostate boasted that JW's should be able to read whatever they wanted? Obviously, if you really thought I was an apostate you would want all of Jehovah's Witnesses to read my posts. Why don't you warn them not to read other apostate's posts? / You Know


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