Remembering Will

by SlayerLayer 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • outnfree


    I later found out that Will had been in and out of jail. He was trying to get reinstated, but always felt that he couldn't do it. He felt that he had done too much in Jehovah's eyes. The pressure to get reinstated had gotten to him, and now he was dead.

    I think this is the part that resonates most with me, and perhaps with you, too.

    THIS is why we blame the Watch Tower for devastating lives. Because when you're in, you're worthless -- because there's always MORE you should be able to do. And when you're out, you're even MORE worthless, because you were scum to have gotten DF'd in the first place! The JW religion is so very judgmental is it no wonder than many feel they fail to measure up? Isn't that very expression "How Do YOU Measure Up?" a popular refrain in JWdom? The entire system for being reinstated is the most unloving, cold, dehumanizing process!

    Poor Will! Is it any wonder that he got "lost" once outside at such a tender age and that he felt unworthy to return? The Prodigal Son felt just so unworthy. Yet he knew his Father's character to be loving and warm and just. Therefore, he felt some confidence that were he to return and ask just to be welcomed as a hired hand, he would have the benefit of that love, warmth and justice. Do "errant" Jehovah's Witnesses have the same confidence in the character of the elders appointed to shepherd them? No. And with reason. The elders follow the Society's inhumane policy which requires one's brothers and sisters to turn a cold shoulder, a dead eye, during MONTHS of one's s-l-o-w return to the fold. The Father is not so. The FATHER runs to meet the errant son and welcomes him and fetes his return and forgives all!

    Is it any wonder, Bobby/You Know? Is it really any wonder that we blame the Watch Tower for Will's sad suicide?

    Slayer, I'm deeply sorry for your loss. We all have regrets in life and it is obvious to all here that yours haunts you still. Do not be too hard on yourself.


  • slipnslidemaster


    That breaks my heart. That's why I'm here. Because I'm not alone anymore and people like you and the others have made me see that here at the board.

    Thank you.

    Slipnslidemaster: "Do, or do not. There is no try."
    - Yoda

  • You Know
    You Know
    Is it really any wonder that we blame the Watch Tower for Will's sad suicide?

    No, it's no wonder at all. You are an apostate after all. What else CAN you do? Let's don't forget that the Bible calls apostates the "accursed children" and points out how they are "complainers about their lot in life." Yes, of course it was the Watchtower's fault that poor Will turned his back on everything Jehovah had taught him and got caught up in the Devil's world and was destroyed. Poor Will had no control over his life. He was just another hapless victim of the Watchtower. / You Know

  • think41self


    I am sorry for your loss buddy, and the pain that you feel. I hope that by all of us being here on this board, we can really "be there" for others who may be in the same situation as Will. It is never good to feel that you are alone, and that no one understands you, especially the GOD who supposedly created you in his image. Maybe he created Bobby in his image...that would make sense. go girl, you are one of my favorite posters!


  • SlayerLayer

    Thank you for your kind words. I like you too. My cousin is gay and I lived with him for about 6 months. His roommate liked "bears" too. You remind me of him a lot. He was so cool. I admire the way you are so open with who you are.

    It's hard not to think that I could have prevented what happened. I know for a fact that I could've. He was lonely. I was fortunate enought to have found a life away from the org. He wasn't. I wish that I could change so much.

    You are a good man. Thank you.

    Thank you too for your kind words. My regrets do still haunt me. I don't think that I blame myself for what happened. I know that he made the choice. But I do regret that I wasn't there. I know that I could have prevented it.

    I am so thankful for this board as well. I agree with you that the people here including you have brightened my day on more than one occasion. That is why I am here. We feel alone after losing every friend and associate that we have ever known. Here, everyone knows what that feels like. Even with all the ugly racist threads going around, I admire them all for having the courage to start new lives after the borg. That is the common thread that we all share, and I wish that they would all see that.

    You are all warm and loving people who have brought a couple of tears to my eyes while reading this. Thank you.


    "You are here because the world as you know it no longer makes sense.
    You've been raised on television to believe we'll all be millionaires and movie gods and rock stars - but we won't.
    You pray for a different life." Tyler Durden

  • seven006

    You Know

    And you must have a pea for a heart You Know. I have pretty much quit posting on this board because I grew tired of people popping into a thread that was starting to give comfort or share a honest feeling and then have some self righteous self absorbed nobody like you trash it. You are the biggest apostate on this board. You are the original wolf in sheep's clothing. The only one you are impressing is yourself. You must be a very lonely and pathetic man. You have nothing better to do then to sit around in your empty meaningless life and write sermons to people who only laugh at you.

    The story of Will can be completely understood by most people on this board. The feeling of never being able to measure up and never being able to accept your true feelings about life can certainly cause someone to try and end their mental anguish. Yes the Watchtower society instills that feeling and is completely responsible for the outcome. It's mind control at its best. There are hundreds of thousands of JW's that drink to the point of stupidity and take prescription drugs to cope with their depression. The only difference between the JW's and the non-JWs is the JW's lie about it, and they believe their own lies.

    As most negative and true things put in front of your face concerning your beloved religion you deny their existence. You believe only what you choose to believe. Your response to threads as this continues to promote your narrow mindedness and self absorption. Your limited knowledge about anything outside of the JW world shows your true ignorance. Human psychology on why some people do what they do and what causes it is far too deep of a subject for you to comprehend. Your conclusions and comments concerning such things are at the level of a young child. What you don't understand your either ignore or reject, a sign of a true ignorance. Your canned responses are both predictable and unintelligent, they reflect the real you.

    You are so impressed with yourself that you are blinded by you own stupidity. You serve no purpose in life except to try and gain some recognition as a lonely little man. Well, you have accomplished that goal, you are a pee stain on the carpet of life and your odor continues to identify you for who you really are. You think you are an intelligent person and in a few applications you have a limited expertise, but in the overall picture you are an idiot savant with a narrow and fixed focus on one single speck of insignificant self proclamation. If there wasn't so many watchtower publications for you to quote from you wouldn't have a single thought in your little mind. You have probably never had an original or helpful thought in your life.

    You have absolutely no concept of what goes on in a persons heart or mind beyond you own sheltered little life. You sense of compassion is neatly packaged and stored in your countless JW books and magazines. It only comes out when it fits into a thought that someone else came up with and you claim as your own. You claim to be one of the anointed putting yourself up on a pedestal for you to revel in your own self worth. That's quite a joke. You are a self appointed comic book super hero with the power to bore people to death. Your constant scripture quoting and interpreting screams out the level of your insecurity. Your gentle bashing of your beloved watchtower society only strengths your position of a self serving apostate in complete denial of reality. You are nothing more than a lonely pathetic little man who craves attention weather it be positive or negative.

    I usually don't respond to anything you say because I recognize you for what you are. I just happen to be in a little bit of a mood today and your heartless ignorance just pissed me off a little. Try keeping to just your sermon writing and leave the threads about real life alone. You know nothing about it and your comments are as offensive as they are unwarranted.

    I apologize to those who came to this thread and wanted to share some compassion. It seems that nothing can be said with out someone poking a stick at it. I'm sorry I responded to You Knows comment but I just had to say how I felt.

    Slayer, it was a good story and it is the type of post that makes me know that what I am doing is right. I am sorry for the loss of your friend. I understand exactly why he did what he did. Iv stood in the same place as he, and have had those thoughts before. I'm glad I had the chance to learn about real life and get the guilt and bullshit of the watchtower out of my head. Excellent post Slayer


  • joelbear

    You Know has no religion and no god. He is alone.

  • larc


    I am sorry for you loss. Please don't blame yourself. All a person can do is the best they know how at the time. I think all of us, when we lose a loved one have regrets about what we could have done for them. I think of this when I consider the loss of my parents. I wish I would have made the effort to have more personal one talks with my father. I wish I would have done more to help my mother during her long illnes. I can't redo the past. All I can do is try to be a little more attentive to my loved ones who are still here.

    You Know,

    If you went to a funeral, would say, "Sorry for your loss" or would you say "Sorry but your friend has no hope of a resurrection" I think you should go back and read First Corinthians the 13th chapter.

  • Englishman

    You Know,

    Nice to see you back on form, any chance that you could sort out that Emyrose person that fits in just nicely with your chick-pea analogy?


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • You Know
    You Know
    I have pretty much quit posting on this board because I grew tired of people popping into a thread that was starting to give comfort or share a honest feeling and then have some self righteous self absorbed nobody like you trash it.

    Just when I thought my posts were to no effect. Well, I suppose then that I can measure success in some small way.

    You are the biggest apostate on this board. You are the original wolf in sheep's clothing.


    You have nothing better to do then to sit around in your empty meaningless life and write sermons to people who only laugh at you.

    You don't seem to be laughing. LOL

    The story of Will can be completely understood by most people on this board

    I completely understand Will's story. I was once a herion user and came close to destroying myself many times. The truth saved me and it could have saved him too if he had been a little smarter.

    Yes the Watchtower society instills that feeling and is completely responsible for the outcome. It's mind control at its best.

    Well it must not be working on most of us. Most Witnesses I know have a greater sense of self worth and accomplishment than the average non-Witness. If anyone's mind has been controled it is the apostate's. Your accusations are not based in reality at all.

    There are hundreds of thousands of JW's that drink to the point of stupidity and take prescription drugs to cope with their depression. The only difference between the JW's and the non-JWs is the JW's lie about it, and they believe their own lies.

    Yeah, right. And just how do you know what hundreds of thousands of people do, especially if they all lie?

    As most negative and true things put in front of your face concerning your beloved religion you deny their existence. You believe only what you choose to believe.

    Why should I believe the ravings of apostate fools and lunatics or let them destroy my faith?

    Your limited knowledge about anything outside of the JW world shows your true ignorance.

    Really? Just what can you teach me that I don't already know?

    Human psychology on why some people do what they do and what causes it is far too deep of a subject for you to comprehend.

    That's hilarious man. Some moron wants to blame the Watchtower for all the world's ills, what do I need to understand about psychology?

    You are so impressed with yourself that you are blinded by you own stupidity. You serve no purpose in life except to try and gain some recognition as a lonely little man.

    What I understand about how you people behave is this: Typically, when an apostate can't argue their point Scripturally, whichvery few of you can, then you strike out at personalities. Generally apostates take the high-low approach, whereby the ankle-biters go for the pant legs and others go for the head in a psudeo psycho approach. I really do find it amusing. Does that make be a bad person? LOL

    Well, you have accomplished that goal, you are a pee stain on the carpet of life and your odor continues to identify you for who you really are.

    Whose acting childish here? That's pitiful man.

    You think you are an intelligent person and in a few applications you have a limited expertise, but in the overall picture you are an idiot savant with a narrow and fixed focus on one single speck of insignificant self proclamation.

    I gotta print this out. This is some great stuff.

    If there wasn't so many watchtower publications for you to quote from you wouldn't have a single thought in your little mind. You have probably never had an original or helpful thought in your life.

    Your pop gun is starting to sputter here pal. I rarely quote from the Watchtower. In fact you can't point to any post where I quote the Wt. That's why apostates are ill-equipped to deal with me on a Scriptural basis because I DON'T use the Watchtower. And that's all you have been taught. So, when it gets down to the real stuff, the Bible, you are clueless pretty much.

    You have absolutely no concept of what goes on in a persons heart or mind beyond you own sheltered little life.

    You are a pretty presumptuous fellow. And you imagine that you know me just by what I post on this little forum? I have been deeper into the world than any of you could possibly ever be. I know how it works inside out. That's why I frustrate you so badly because I am always one step ahead of you because I know how you think. I have read all your arguments, there's nothing left for me at this point but to have a little fun with you.

    You sense of compassion is neatly packaged and stored in your countless JW books and magazines. It only comes out when it fits into a thought that someone else came up with and you claim as your own. You claim to be one of the anointed putting yourself up on a pedestal for you to revel in your own self worth. That's quite a joke.

    Yes. It is a joke. But you don't get it apparently. LOL

    You are a self appointed comic book super hero with the power to bore people to death. Your constant scripture quoting and interpreting screams out the level of your insecurity.

    I think you've been reading too many comic books.

    Your gentle bashing of your beloved watchtower society only strengths your position of a self serving
    apostate in complete denial of reality. You are nothing more than a lonely pathetic little man who craves attention weather it be positive or negative

    Obviously my applying certain prophecies to the Watchtower has completely unnerved you. You have bought into the whole apostate thing so completely, hook, line, and sinker, as the expression goes, that is obviously frightens you very badly the thought that the Great God Jehovah foretold the present situation developing and what it's outcome will be. Your reaction is basically to put your hands over your ears and start screaming hysterically about You Know being a bad guy.

    I usually don't respond to anything you say because I recognize you for what you are.

    You don't respond to anything I say because you obviously don't have any intelligent response. This post included.

    I just happen to be in a little bit of a mood today and your heartless ignorance just pissed me off a little.

    Just because I don't let myself be manipulated by some idiot doesn't mean I am ignorant or heartless.

    I'm sorry I responded to You Knows comment but I just had to say how I felt.

    It's been fun. I hope you feel better about yourself. Let's do it again sometime.

    / You Know

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