Yes, and I like to mess with them too because as an Ex-Jw I can do one thing well thats talk bible bullsh*t!
Unfortunatly as my wife likes to point out, I'm an a$$hole (sorry freedom69 guess you don't like me ) but I'm trying to be honest here! I really try not to be sexist or racist or elitist or any other "ist" but I find the older I get the less tolerance I have for what I percieve to be idiocy... And religion takes the cake, not just christians either! Look at Hindus what kind of crack were they smoking when they came up with that! Pagans and Witches too (um no you DON'T have powers your just a fool!) It's ALL foolish it's like a fear of werewolves it just don't make since!
In my job I run up on lots of idiocy. Women who let their boyfriends punch them in the face and don't want to press charges people, who get so stoned and drunk that they can't walk... so they drive! all sorts of stupid crap and I'm afraid that more and more I'm lumping religious people in with the dingus's...
I really do TRY not to be an a$$ I just can't help it!