I honestly don't care what others believe, as long as it does not affect me. Just because I don't agree with something doesn't mean that a person who does is doing so for "inferior" reasons.
With the above principle being applied, I'm always bothered by religious people who try to push their worldview on the entire society. The type of people like Pat Buchanan who believe that a secular world view (which neither helps nor hurts the religious or non religious a like) is wrong, because such a world view denigrates religion (by not putting it in a "special place"). I think too many of our current social issues, such as abortion and gay marriage, have been made difficult to deal with due to religion (let's be serious; we can come up with all sorts of lame and illogical reasons about how allowing gays to marry will somehow destroy heterosexual families, or somehow lead to man/dog unions, but if we are to be seriously honest with ourselves, it would be pretty damn clear that religious opposition is the real reason we have any major dissapproval to it. It bothers me that religious people are willing to let other people's lives be disadvantaged just because they "don't think it's right", despite the fact they won't be affected either way). I think alot of religious people, especially in the U.S., need to figure out a way to make their religion a personal journey instead of a societal crusade. I would be outraged if the U.S. government started expressly pushing a "anti-religious" agenda (like in France where religious symbols are banned in schools), but too many Christains see the government as a vehicle to push their own religious agendas.
However, as long as a person is not a social crusader (and alot of the religious people on this board clearly aren't), I honestly don't make such judgements. As long as you end up being a net positive on society, do your thing.