Ahhh... the 'boyz' are 'back in town'... Unk, Farkel and COMF.
How come I'm Shelby's cyber better half? I don't remmember a ceremony or even the honeymoon.
You were drunk. You're always drunk... and to be honest, I'm quite tired of it.
Are you thus honoured as well?
Nahhh... Farkel has 'issues' with women, 'Rev. He couldn't 'handle' me any better than you can...
Would this make Shelby a cyber polygamist?
Nahh, I can only 'handle' one 'o you buggin' wankers at a time.
cheers old cock, unc playing with himself.
Thank goodness it's with yourself this time, 'cause I'm beginning to find your 'reindeer games' quite boring and elementary. Hmmm... maybe I SHOULD look for another 'husband'. How 'bout it D.? Nahhh, you might be 'intelligent, but like I said, you got women 'issues'...
I'm married to my right hand. It works, but it ain't the best in life.
Try your left hand, then.
It plays fair though, and doesn't lie to me nor does it deceive me.
That's what YOU think. Trust me... it's deceiving you... BIG TIME. It's telling you that you're 'all that'... what a lie.
Most of all, it doesn't seek to take everything I've worked for...
Maybe not right now, but I promise you, if you spend TOO much time with her... uh, it... uh, them...
but then again, everything I worked for was taken because I was formerly "unevenly yoked."
Blame your lawyer. And if YOU were your own lawyer, blame yourself.
"Yokes" are for oxen and other beasts-of-burden, but not humans.
Says who? "Yokes" simply help one carry a 'load'. Man and beast. People used yokes to haul water from the wells, and goods to the marketplace, etc., etc., etc...
Human relationships should be glorious and not burdensome. They are.
Indeed, I think you asked... and with the word 'should' answered... your own question.
Your version is just as goofy, though.
"Goofy"... is in the 'eye' of the beholder, Farkel. Got somethin' in your eye? A 'rafter' perhaps? Need some help taking it out? I recently had a 'straw' extracted from mine. Matter-of-fact, get 'em removed all the time. I can show you how to do it, but it means thinking JUST A TAD less of yourself. Feelin' 'up' to it? Wait, I'll let you confer with your right... er, left... no, right... hand. Uh, oh, no... that's not the 'brain' YOU think with... is it?
See direct response.
Peace... to those of you who 'receive' it... and none to those of you who don't.
A slave of Christ, who truly marvels at the nastiness consistely displayed by you boyz... and I mean that in all pertinent senses of the word...