I guess they only like to pounce when they find something easy to ridicule (case in point, bohm). Nothing in the above is easy to ridicule, so they keep their mouths shut.
The Watchtower and the Masons
by ozziepost 135 Replies latest jw friends
Bloomberg Businessweek:
France: Where Freemasons Are Still Feared
Magazines and newspapers all have stories they run in one form or another, year in, year out. The details may differ, but the stories are largely the same everywhere, striking universal chords of sex, health, and money. A few of these perennials, however, don’t travel. They drill deep into one country’s psyche while everyone else scratches their head and says, “Huh?”
In France, the story that keeps coming back is about Freemasons. It’s everywhere. Most big French magazines run at least one big Freemason cover a year. Books dissect the “state within a state,” to borrow from a recent title. Blogs abound.
“France has several of these marronniers—chestnuts,” says Alain Bauer, former grand master of France’s Grand Orient lodge and president Nicolas Sarkozy’s Masonic liaison. “There’s real estate prices and there’s how to cure headaches, and then there’s Freemasons. The ultimate French magazine story is a Freemason with a headache who’s moving. We don’t like these stories, but at the same time, we love them, because they make us feel like we’re still important.”
Huh? Yes, Freemasons: the old fraternal order known in the U.S. for the Masonic lodges that dot American cities, musty reminders of an era when Masonry stirred the American melting pot. Or for the arcane Masonic symbols engraved on every dollar bill. Or on a sillier note, for the Shriners in their red fezzes. (The Shriners were founded in the 1870s to add a little levity to regular Freemasonry. Mission accomplished.)
In France, though, there’s nothing funny about Freemasons. The way the French see it, Masons are a fifth column at the heart of French society, a cabal of powerful politicians, businessmen, and intellectuals with a hidden agenda that is difficult to pin down because it’s, well, hidden. Nobody knows quite what the Masons are up to, but everybody suspects they’re up to something.
“Freemasons—How they manipulate the candidates,” ran the cover line on the Jan. 10, 2012 issue of L’Express, one of France’s three big newsweeklies. After several readings, the “how” and the “manipulate” parts remain unclear, and even Francois Koch, its author, admits that the headline is “completely exaggerated.” Le Point, the second big newsweekly, followed in its Jan. 26 issue with “Freemasons—the infiltrators.” The third weekly news magazine, Le Nouvel Observateur, got ahead of the game this election cycle: They ran their Masons-and-politics cover last August.
“The subject never fails to generate interest,” says Koch. “It’s the mystery of it that attracts attention.” Koch’s cover story sold 80,000 copies on the newsstand, almost 10 percent more than L’Express’s average of 73,000 copies. “We always get at least average sales, and sometimes sales that are really big. It’s always a gamble worth taking.” Two years ago, Koch, who normally covers criminal justice, launched a blog devoted to Masonic matters.
To understand how French Masons ended up under the national magnifying glass requires a brief side trip through history. Nobody knows precisely where the Freemasons came from, but experts mostly agree their origins lie in the medieval English guilds that laid the stones of the great cathedrals. Modern Masonry dates to the founding of the first Grand Lodge in London in 1717, and today’s United Grand Lodge of England is still a kind of Masonic mothership.
Those first English Masons laid down the loose precepts that govern most Masonic practice. Masons meet regularly to improve themselves morally and spiritually, and to practice brotherly love and mutual assistance. They’re enjoined to believe in a supreme being and to stay out of politics. And no women are allowed. Solidarity is reinforced by an elaborate web of shared mumbo jumbo—signs, symbols, secret handshakes, and code words that are either sexy, absurd, or sinister, depending on who’s looking at them.
Masonry fanned out from England just when the Enlightenment was making the world safe for such Mason-friendly values as anti-clericalism and scientific enquiry. The world’s best and brightest joined in a stampede. Voltaire, John Locke, and Goethe all signed up. In the New World, Benjamin Franklin became America’s favorite Mason.
The early Masons made enemies on all sides. The church branded them anti-Christians, the established political order branded them revolutionaries, and a lot of other people just found them elitist and creepy. This might have been expected. Any international brotherhood with secret handshakes and symbolic jewelry is begging to put its name on a conspiracy theory. The Masons have provoked many, right up to the Nazis, to decimate Masonry on the European continent.
Continued at source.
Can anyone confirm Springmeier's claim (below in bold)? Do gnostics engage in this?
Last year in the Jan. 93 newsletter I wrote an article about the Illuminati and the Watchtower Society. Recently, on Dec. 10, 93, Texe Marrs interviewed me over international short wave radio about the 1990 book "The Watchtower and the Masons." Having got a good response from the short wave radio interview, it is only appropriate that this newsletter starts off the new year with another article on the Watchtower Society and the Illuminati. Because of numerous problems within the congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses with Satanic Ritual Abuse (S.R.A.), the Watchtower Society put out an article in the Oct. 8, 1991 issue of the magazine. Lee Waters of Bethel Headquarters kept a file on his computer of Jehovah's Witnesses who were reported to be victims of SRA. It is possible headquarters told him to delete the file. Another man who was at headquarters who is now believed out of the Society was also well informed of SRA among the congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses. In fact, two J.W.s who had actually been in the Illuminati while J.W.s but had broken free, confronted the Governing Body and headquarters with their evidence of the Illuminati operating within the membership of the Jehovah's Witnesses.
What was the response of the JW's leaders? To simply ignore and cover-up the evidence. The actions of the Governing Body in squelching any serious action against the high level Satanism secretly operating within the Jehovah's Witnesses shows what my (Be Wise A Serpents) book revealed, which is that very secret high level Satanism has long been controlling the Watchtower Society. One of these 2 eyewitnesses to Illuminati activities within the higher levels of the Watchtower Society realized that something is seriously wrong at the top, when the Watchtower leaders do not really care for those people in the congregations who are becoming the victims of SRA. One elder in good standing lost his position because he warned the Watchtower Society of satanic infiltration. It is obvious that the Watchtower organization is more interested in public relations than it is in having a clean organization. In examining the families that are involved with the Illuminati who use the Watchtower Society as a cover, we find a continuation of the same pattern as I noticed before: there is a large contingent of Scottish and a large Jewish bloodlines. For instance, one J.W. Illuminati family was the Udell family (Scottish name) who married Picketson Milliken (English maiden name with Jewish first husband).
This type of combination typifies so many of the elite who I have researched. In the Be Wise As Serpents book, chapter 1.11 discusses how the Satanism within the Illuminati and the Watchtower Society could be tracked by an understanding of Enochian magic. Readers may want to refer back to that chapter after reading this paragraph. The Illuminati operating within the Watchtower Society use the Enochian Language which has its own language and its own Enochian alphabet (letters in boxes). According to eyewitnesses who have left the J.W. part of the Illuminati, the Enochian alphabet is known and used as the cult language by those Illuminati operating in the high levels of the Watchtower Society. In other words, their ceremonies are done in this ritual Enochian language. Sir William Sinclair in the 16th century was one of those who introduced Enochian Magic to Scotland. The Scottish connection in the Watchtower Society is overpowering. Both the Russell and the Rutherford families came from Scotland as well as MacMillan and many other key early Watchtower leaders. From this it appears that the Scottish type of Illuminatism that created the early Watchtower Society has always practiced Enochian magic. Remember from the Be Wise As Serpents book that knowing the Watchtowers is the key to Enochian magic. The same type of winged-sun-disk that C.T. Russell used was also used on the ......... Magic. Two phrases that were popular among satanists who practiced Enochian Magic in Rumli's day were ‘Millennial Dawn and ‘Golden Age.’ The following are some of the Illuminati operating within the Watchtower Society today (names may be spelled incorrectly in some cases):
Chris family - Domelie family-Irish bloodline
Karrls - JW Overseer in Miami, FL Prince George McKee-Monroeville, AL Melers, or Myer-Jewish Satanic bloodline.
Sharon Russell - left the Illuminati, still a JW, worked with police showing ritual sites.
Princess Proud Swift - lived in Delaware, with the travel industry Jim Tifton-important WT official and elder in So. Calif. A secret Satanic serial murderer.
Walt family - Woomer family- The areas which have been identified as strong Satanic stronghold within the Watchtower religious empire are:
Southern California (cap. San Bernadino Valley), Florida, the Caribbean, Scotland, Bethel Headquarters in Brooklyn, and various places in New York. I expect that this list of strongholds is very incomplete. According to an eye witness of the Illuminati within the Watchtower Society the following items can be ascertained:
· Some type of trauma based mind control is being used to create MPD and control children born into the Illuminati within the WT Society.
· The rank and file JWs have no awareness that the WT Society has a secret upper level of involvement. (Note, I identified this upper level in my chart explaining how religions are controlled by Satanism.)
· The Illuminati within the Jehovah’s Witnesses have a hidden agenda that is separate from the published goals of the WT Society, although they also support many of the goals of the Society.
Beside rituals taking place in the above mentioned stronghold areas, it is of value to point out that one of the rituals that I have found out about took place when a boat load of generational satanic JWs went to the Bahamas (believed to be Andros Is.) and had a ritual at a high place. This was in 1958.
Related items.
There are three items which relate to what has been described above.
· There is a particular man who is well informed about the Watchtower Society who is able to explain how the Watchtower Society is interlocked with a lot of major corporations.
· As a consequence of how connected the WT Society is with politics, big business, etc. the WT Society has been closely watched by the FBI which has over 12,000 pages in its files on the WT Society alone. This figure does not include its extensive files on individuals, of which everyone of the WT Society Presidents has had a file.
· The WT Society performs a secret ritual every year which is their primary ritual. This ritual is actually the ancient Gnostic (satanic) ritual of saying no to the body of Christ. This ancient satanic ritual is now secretly practiced under the disguise of the Memorial Supper - where the elements of communion are passed and no one partakes of the elements. (When I say "no one" I mean that in a qualified sense-only a small group are allowed to partake. The actual figures of how many partake of the elements is a totally fictitious figure according to my sources, which is created at Bethel headquarters in Brooklyn.
· Canadian citizens who have tried to find out why the Watchtower Society in Canada is allowed to evade taxes, have been stonewalled by government officials. MacGregor Ministries newsletter News & Views, Oct. 1993, p. 10 discusses how various people have tried to expose the Watchtower’s avoidance of the GST and how the Minister of Finance, the Minister of National Revenue and many other government groups have simply stonewalled people. The fax no. of one of the most powerful committees of the Watchtower Society is the WT Service Dept. whose fax no. is 718-624-4030. This newsletter will continue to bring articles on the various branches of Satan’s One World Religion which includes the Mormon authority structure, the Catholic authority structure, the Pentecostal and the Jehovah’s Witnesses authority structures just to name a few.
One of the strangest things for this Author was to continue running into evidence that seems to indicate Charles Taze Russell, the man who started the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Watchtower Society, was secretly an important Satanist. Lest the reader devalue the evidence, permit this author to state that the evidence came in first before I came up with my theory that Russell was an important Satanist, and not vice-versa. Some of the outstanding clues are:
a.) C.T. Russell was definitely a Mason, yet he puts up some great smoke screens in his writing concerning his membership.
b.) C.T. Russell’s Bethel staff became concerned about his occultic activities and required him to take an oath forswearing any further occultic activities.
c.) In my previous book The Watchtower and the Masons, I study 35 parallel beliefs that Russell had with Masonry. I spent a page per parallel. These 35 are not in any way inclusive, Russell had many other identical ideas to what the Masonic lodges propagate.
d.) Various items from magic were part of Russell’s religious beliefs including healing handkerchiefs, phrenology, the Winged-Sun-Disk, Enochian Magical planes, etc.
e.) Russell's family's possible Illuminati links, and his wife's possible connections with a family line of Satanists.
f.) Russell's apparent secret Rosicrucian membership with the Quakertown, PA group of Rosicrucian's, as revealed by the pyramid he ordered erected, his use of the Winged-Sun-Disk. and his cremation three days after his death.
g.) Russell owned a cemetery in Pittsburgh. Leading Satanists try to own cemeteries for several reasons. First, it facilitates the disposal of human sacrifices which are buried in pieces below the fresh holes dug for someone else's burial. When the casket is placed in the hole, it would be rare for anyone to dig below the casket level ever again. Second, magic power is associated with cemeteries. The spiritual power of the dead is pulled up by making a circle of light over them then within the circle a naked Satanist lays. Third, specific bones are sought such as the skulls and left hands. Left hands are preserved in order to hold candles for certain ceremonies.
h.) Contacts from various places today indicate that the modern Watchtower Society is working with the New World Order. This implies that at some point the Society began cooperating with the New World Order. Russell seems to be the likeliest starting point.
As with all occult organizations a veil of secrecy is maintained by requiring initiates to take secrecy oaths on penalty of death. As in Witchcraft, Masonry repeatedly demands secrecy oaths at every new level. Charles T. Russell began participating in this secrecy when he took the Entered Apprentice (first Masonic degree) oath on penalty of mayhem and violent death, "I ... do hereby and hereon most solemnly and sincerely promise and swear that I will always hail, ever conceal and never reveal any of the arts, parts or points of the secret arts and mysteries of ancient Freemasonry which I received, am about to receive, or may hereafter be instructed in ..."
1. Confidential interviews with ex-Satanists.
2. Interview by Dr. Al Carlisle with a Black Prince recorded in Stratford, L. Satan’s Underground. p. 144.
Should the reader allow, I will quote from the Power’s own statements plus other proof to show that this god, the god of the world, is Lucifer (aka Satan, Sanat, Venus, etc.) For thousands of years, The Plan for world domination has been passed down from occult generation to occult generation. Spaced every 28 is a Feast of the Beast, a year-long holiday during which Satanists receive new instructions from Satan on how to carry out The Plan. We read of the great holiday and its Great Councils in Externalization of the Hierarchy, when Satan's instrument Alice Bailey writes, "The past year... has, however, been the year in which the greatest spiritual Approach of all time has shown itself to be possible - an Approach for which the initiates and Masters have for centuries been preparing, and for which all the Wesak Festivals since the meeting of the Great Council in 1925 have been preparatory. I have, in past instructions, referred to the great meetings held at intervals by Those to Whom is entrusted the spiritual guidance of the planet and particularly of man." (Externalization of the Hierarchy, p. 389.)
As example of how ingenious these plans are to create a One-World-Government consider the following part of it. The Drug War is not what it seems. It is a very ingenious scheme to enslave the American people, and destroy all their civil rights. The first rumblings of the Drug War part of The Plan seem to stir from the occult, so it is highly possible the Drug War originally was first developed by Satanists, perhaps even given during one of the Feasts of the Beast. The Drug War seems like the perfect plan, with no way for the Power to lose. First, the Power creates a drug culture in America. The Drug Culture would and did give many their first step into the Aquarian (New Age) conspiracy. 6
The Power would make billions of dollars by running drugs, to further finance other nefarious schemes, and could use their world-wide power to crush all their competitors. When the Power crushed and arrested their competitors in drug running, they would be hailed as hero's by the majority of people (And they have) . The introduction of drugs into society does several things. It taxes the Christian church’s ability to oppose immorality. It gets the public indignant about drugs, and the public’s moral outcry allows the Power to pass "drug" laws that remove the last vestiges of legal civil rights. In fact, the beguiled public demands the laws which abolish their rights, and applauds these laws in ignorance unknowing what the laws actually say and mean. If the public somehow gets a complete picture that their government has been smuggling drugs to create a drug war in spite of the controlled media, or perhaps through the media at the right time, then they can create a scandal involving several U. S. Presidents to eliminate the U . S. government and switch the public’s allegiance to a world government. (See chapter 3.9 for more details and a chronology of the secretly planned escalation of today’s designed Drug War.) As an ex-Mason, who is very aware of their plans, said to this author, "These people are in it for the long-term."
For example, the Church of Satan does a Satanic perversion of the Divine Luturgy in reverse, as is exemplified by the upside down cross and the unholy Trinity. (This gave way to saying prayers backwards and backmasking in rock music, like Led Zeppilin.) Is the Memorial Supper a play on this? I have never been to the Memorial Supper. Can someone explain what it is like?
mind blown
There are plenty of old timers here with info and years of educated experience and history....to refute....... Until you have SOLID DOCUMENTED PROOF....this is the same ol regurgitated claims.....
Funny how there's much documententation of high profile Mason member list.... but none for Russell. Maybe you should search past post....
The Illuminati operating within the Watchtower Society use the Enochian Language which has its own language and its own Enochian alphabet (letters in boxes). According to eyewitnesses who have left the J.W. part of the Illuminati, the Enochian alphabet is known and used as the cult language by those Illuminati operating in the high levels of the Watchtower Society. In other words, their ceremonies are done in this ritual Enochian language.
LOL, what bullshit.
Can anyone confirm Springmeier's claim (below in bold)? Do gnostics engage in this?
I've never heard of such a "gnostic" ceremony. The current form of the Memorial is a historical accident, the product of Rutherford's attempt to siphon off new converts into a secondary class (the Jonadabs) and then demographic changes from the 1930s to the present. When the Jonadab class was created in the early 1930s, the vast majority of JWs partook of the sacraments, er, emblems. Rutherford had no idea Armageddon would take so long in coming, with the passage of many decades making the "great crowd" outnumber the "anointed" until the latter became a tiny minority.
I had never thought of the memorial observance that way, but it is interesting to see is as a rejection of Christ.
Here is a little taste of the experience- these videos are very accurate.
I still think it's hilarious that the Watchtower owns a small plot of land (130 ft x 135 ft) on the Masonic Temple's property in Pgh.
Oh, and this land is mysteriously nowhere NEAR the pyramid. It's on the other side of the building that was built in the late 90's
And sorry, not a consipiracy. I have a copy of the deed.
Big Tex
One of the best ways to have posts unread is by copying and pasting long and rambling posts from other sites.
mind blown
NeverKnew ..sorry....old news........