The Watchtower and the Masons

by ozziepost 135 Replies latest jw friends

  • DannyBear


    What's the matter to hard for you to adress me directly by name? Unable to even write a salutation?

    Tiresome? I suspect it is finally getting through some pretty thick headed, self promoting, intellectual wanabe's...that people are getting sick and tired of being, talked down to, dismissed, or otherwise just pooh-poohed, for not following the direction of the self centered elitist crowd, that just has to come to the aid, rescue, or correct the thinking of anyone who dare say or refer to anthing not passing muster with the ELITE.

    Iam glad you are getting tired of it Seeker. Why don't you stop your condecending, smarmy posts, like those demonstrated on this very thread. You have adopted a style, based on some of your cyber-buddy associations....maybe the bible was right in this statement "bad associations spoil useful habits".

    No one has appointed you to the job,of correcting error and overseeing, what anyone, ANYONE get it, has to say.


  • Dino

    Hello Seeker, Just curious if you could give some erudite reasoning as to why you do not believe that Russell had at least some type of masonic leanings. It seems that you always say you are in the camp that Russell was not a mason, without giving a reason that I have seen, while giving others condescending counsel about their right to an opinion on the matter. I'm not trying to be inflammatory, once again, just curious. Thats why I enjoy other's posts, because they give a thought provoking response. Please dont take offense, there is no need to patronize, but I would really, sincerely be interested in your viewpoint. Dino

  • GinnyTosken

    DannyBear, <------NOTE: Salutation included.

    What's the matter to hard for you to adress me directly by name? Unable to even write a salutation?

    Did you read before you critiqued? I saw a salutation in Seeker's post. Does it only count as a salutation if it is set off on a separate line?

    DannyBear, I dislike your anti-intellectualism.

    I myself have found it very tiresome to read all this innuendo about agendas, coalitions, cliques, "self promoting, intellectual wanabe's," "the self centered elitist crowd," etc. I find such behavior adolescent and high-schoolish. Perhaps you and the others who have commented in this thread can clear this up for me. Who exactly are included in this list of elite and judgmental so-called thinkers?

    Part of my reason for posting "The Passionate Life" was to help explain this phenomenon. It seems to me that many here need a cause and someone or something against which they can rebel. Here is part of what I quoted:

    In the adversarial personality, the bad boy or bad girl continues to play out the drama of adolescent rebellion. Defiance becomes a way of life. The adversary will always be linked in an antagonistic relationship to some authority. If you live out of a negative identity, the only time you will feel alive is when you are in conflict or combat. Others will always be cast in the mold of the enemy against whom you must struggle. Eros will be reduced to a mode of warfare, life to a battle. . . . Your daydreams will be filled with schemes for conquest, plans for achieving what psychoanalyst Karen Horney calls a "vindictive triumph" over others. . . . You will show "them" you can't be bossed around.

    We are individuals here, but we are also a community. We are naturally influenced by each other. Some of the people here I've known for five years or more. Others I've known only since I joined in March. When people offer their opinions or research, I don't interpret that as an elitist attitude. I interpret it as, "I've done some research in that area. Maybe I can save you some time by sharing what I found."

    You may behave as you wish, of course, but I thought we left the "us vs. them" mentality behind when we left the Society.


  • Seeker
    What's the matter to hard for you to adress me directly by name? Unable to even write a salutation?

    Why the hostility? I did address you directly by name, but even if I hadn't, would that have justified such a hostile response for something so trivial?

    Tiresome? I suspect it is finally getting through some pretty thick headed, self promoting, intellectual wanabe's...that people are getting sick and tired of being, talked down to, dismissed, or otherwise just pooh-poohed, for not following the direction of the self centered elitist crowd, that just has to come to the aid, rescue, or correct the thinking of anyone who dare say or refer to anthing not passing muster with the ELITE.

    That's not what's happening. The people you are slamming have been providing evidence and facts for their point of view for years, ad naseum. Yet there are always newbies that come along with these amazing suppositions that get offended when we publicly point out that we don't think it holds water. You can believe what you want, but you need facts around here or you will be called on it.

    Iam glad you are getting tired of it Seeker. Why don't you stop your condecending, smarmy posts, like those demonstrated on this very thread. You have adopted a style, based on some of your cyber-buddy associations....maybe the bible was right in this statement "bad associations spoil useful habits".

    I haven't. Show me specific examples of what you claim.

    No one has appointed you to the job,of correcting error and overseeing, what anyone, ANYONE get it, has to say.

  • Seeker

    Oops, left off this part of your reply:

    No one has appointed you to the job,of correcting error and overseeing, what anyone, ANYONE get it, has to say.

    Nor have I taken on that role. This is a public discussion forum. I'm discussing my opinions publicly, as are you.

  • Seeker

    Hi Dino,

    Hello Seeker, Just curious if you could give some erudite reasoning as to why you do not believe that Russell had at least some type of masonic leanings. It seems that you always say you are in the camp that Russell was not a mason, without giving a reason that I have seen, while giving others condescending counsel about their right to an opinion on the matter. I'm not trying to be inflammatory, once again, just curious. Thats why I enjoy other's posts, because they give a thought provoking response. Please dont take offense, there is no need to patronize, but I would really, sincerely be interested in your viewpoint. Dino

    I won't patronize you, for I'm not that way. Don't believe what DannyBear is saying about me.

    I also have never given counsel (condescending or otherwise) about anyone's right to have an opinion on any matter. In fact, I repeatedly make the point that we all the right to our opinions. So although you aren't trying to be inflammatory, your words are such for they falsely accuse me.

    The problem with slander is people read it and start to think there is some truth in the matter. I'm not interested in participating in the process. The matter of Russell being a mason has come up every few weeks the entire time I've been on the Net, and that is going on for almost half-a-decade now. I'm no expert on the matter, but I have read all the Illuminati stuff, and the masonic stuff, and I've yet to see anything that shows conclusively that Russell was himself a mason. I personally couldn't care less if he was or he wasn't, but I won't go along with the crowd just to please them when they insist he had to be one.

  • DannyBear

    Hello Ginny,

    Many if not all of your point's are valid, and can be applied to both sides of the argument (if we have to call it such).

    As to who are included on this list, I will simply say this; anyone who by their comments, demeans another's intellegence, uses subtle inuendo words, dismisses idea's or concepts as worthless, creates impression that his/her view is the only conclusion to the matter, QUALIFIES for the list. imo.

    Those who seem to delight in parsing every word/sentance, in some kind of combative 'high school' debate format, drawing attention to every word, every error, every perceived slight, also qualify imo.

    You see Ginny, in real life, we do not do these things in conversation with associates. I have had the pleasure to talk to people on all levels of intellect and social standing. I have worked in the business inviroment, where I was required to associate with very high level management CEO's, CFO's in the fortune 1000 list. Without reservation I offer, that 99% of these very astute, very successful individuals, were almost to a fault..very civilized and non-confrontational in their dealings with me, and those they supervised. Never have I ever witnessed in any meeting enviroment, one of these educated, ever address one of their subordinates as 'dumb', 'moron', 'asshole', 'fuck off', or any of the seeming most favorite put downs, so loved by some here on this forum.

    Without getting into a parsed word for word, endless back and forth, that only displays, some technical debating skills, I would simply like to express these complete thoughts to you.

    If you don't agree, please feel free to tell me so. But Iam no longer inclined to feel the least bit interested in debating, anything. I like, the way it is in real life, to simply have a discussion.


    An education or 'letter's' do not a wise individual make, imo.

  • Gray Wolf
    Gray Wolf

    Fritz Springmeier's book is the sort of thing which should never have seen the light of day. Springmeier knows less about the the Masons than he does about Jehovah's Witnesses. I also see that he has been arrested as a member of some right-wing militia. He is evidently into pot as well, which is not surprising from what he is written. Even if Russell were a Mason, which he wasn't, so what? The idea that Masonry is some evil cult is pure BS. Masonry grew out of the European Enlightenment and was used as a vehicle to promote liberal ideas and democracy. It was hated by the Catholic Church and by Hitler because both feared it for that reason. Masonry today in the English-speaking world is harmless. Only goofy fundies and old fashioned Catholics attack it today.

    Of course the Witnesses have some ideas like those of the Masons; both were influenced by ideas that were (and are) all over the place in Russell's era. Frankly, I am sick and tired of the misinformation that goes out from a number of idiots who simply won't pay attention to what sound evidence is. Russell said he never had been a Mason, and in reading his statements about Masonry, it is quite evident that he wasn't.

    Gray Wolf

  • larc

    Gray Wolf,

    I went back and reread this thread to try to figure out what prompted all the cheap shots on both sides, before I was going to post. Yours just came up as I was finishing up. I have to say, that of all the posts made, yours makes the most sense to me.

    I see, you are new. Welcome, I hope you enjoy it here. I am looking forward to your future contributions.

    By the way, I have a good friend who is a 32nd degree Mason. I going to talk to him about this subject and see what he has to say.

  • GinnyTosken


    You said:

    As to who are included on this list, I will simply say this; anyone who by their comments, demeans another's intellegence, uses subtle inuendo words, dismisses idea's or concepts as worthless, creates impression that his/her view is the only conclusion to the matter, QUALIFIES for the list. imo.

    Those who seem to delight in parsing every word/sentance, in some kind of combative 'high school' debate format, drawing attention to every word, every error, every perceived slight, also qualify imo.

    It appears to me that you qualify for your own list.

    You perceived a slight coming from Seeker. While you didn't mention Uncle Onion directly, you appeared to categorize either him, Mulan, or both as "the self proclaimed learned among us" and qualified the comments as "little digs." Uncle Onion was only offering his impression of Springmeier's book; you may then decide if it is worthy of your consideration, depending on how much or how little you value Uncle Onion's opinion.

    You don't seem to care for anyone who demeans the opinions and intelligence of others, yet you say to Ozzie, "So all you self promoting, ego maniancs, with a little 2cents of opinion, think about that before you go casting ass'perstions on what someone may decide is credible to consider, or not." If this isn't innuendo and dismissive, I don't know that is.

    I don't consider this an argument, DannyBear. I am simply trying to understand exactly whose styles you find offensive and why.

    I don't like put-downs either. When I see them, I consider it juvenile behavior, no matter who does it. When I see this, it tells me that they either have no solid evidence to offer and so must resort to name-calling, or that they are too lazy to produce the evidence.

    Take Kent's response:

    Hmmmm. Fritz Springmeier isn't a person I will trust all that much. I guess he's got plenty of time now. He's in jail for drugs, isn't he?

    Ad Hominem. Attacking the character rather than the ideas. In my book, a meaningless argument. I think Kent is still in "The Rebel" stage of development. Still, I think his presence here is valuable. For people like me, who were always "Pleasers," Kent is the shadow side of our old personality. I don't feel the need to go quite so far as he does, but his antics sometimes give me courage to speak up, even when my stance goes against what is popular.

    Kent also gave me courage when I was emerging from the JWs. If Jehovah was going to strike any apostate dead, surely it would be Kent Steinhaug. Yet, he lives.

    You may not personally care for 'a parsed word for word, endless back and forth, technical debate,' but this is an essential part of critical thinking skills that help us unravel the JW errors and any twisted thinking that comes our way in life. You like cooking, which leads me to infer that you are probably a more intuitive person. Cooking is not my forte because I approach it as a chemist, weighing and measuring and worrying. Each of us has different strengths to offer here. Your intuition and concern that everyone has a say is as valuable as technical debating skills.

    There appear to be similarities between Russell's teachings and the beliefs of the Masons. Does this prove that Russell was a Mason? No, it is circumstantial evidence. Does it prove that Russell was influenced by the Masons? Again, it's circumstantial evidence.

    That's how I read this thread. I appreciate Ozzie sharing his information, and I appreciate reading the other comments, too.



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