Neverknew, what was the alleged conspiracy you are talking about?
The Watchtower and the Masons
by ozziepost 135 Replies latest jw friends
Sorry! Was away and failed to return to this thread.
I went over to the Recorder of Deeds Offfice to look at the history of ownership of the Mason property and cemetary where Charles Taze Russell was buried (pyramid). I have the old deeds showing the transfers.
The Watchtower TO THIS DAY controls a small plot of land in the NORTHEAST section of the Mason property. The pyramid and grave of Russell? Yeah... they're located SOUTHWEST of the buildng.
Of even more interest, there is a plot of land on the Recorder's map that is marked "unassessed property" that appears to fit the dimensions described in the Deed. I'm told that unassessed could mean a burial site. If I had read the deed before I left the office I would have seen the connection and would have gotten a copy of the property picture.
I now know how to post pictures so I'll scan both deeds this evening for everyone's review. The only thing left to retrieve is the picture.
MindBlown - what was determined? Perhaps I shouldn't waste my time since it's "old news."
"In the myth of the battles of Horus it is easy to discern what is perhaps the most universal of all mythological conceptions - the solar myth. Horus (called in the Edfu text Horbehudti, i.e. Horus of Edfu) was originally a sun-god, and as such was equivalent to Ra, but in time the two gods came to be regarded as separate and distinct personages, Ra being the highest, and Horus serving him as a sort of war-captain. The winged disk, therefore, and all his train represented the powers of light, while the wicked Set and his companions symbolized darkness. Thus it is that while Horus was always victorious over his enemies, he never succeeded (according to the most widespread form of the tradition) in destroying them utterly. When Horus had routed the enemy in the form of a winged disk, that symbol came to be regarded as an excellent protective against violence and destruction. It was therefore repeated many times - especially in the New Kingdom - in temples, on monuments, stelae, and so on, and it was believed that the more numerous the representations of it, the more efficacious did the charm become. In its simplest form the image is merely that of a winged disk, but at times there is a serpent on either side of the disk, representing the goddesses Nekhbet and Uazet." - Ancient Egyptian Myths and Legends (by Lewis Spence), pages 92 & 93.
One might wonder what a symbol of an Egyptian sun god is doing featured on books once published by the Watch Tower Society. -
I have a question for no stone cutters and others:
I find this stuff interesting- but my question is: SO WHAT.
Lets say the WT is actually masonic in origin and power structure- what does that accomplish exactly and for whom.
The witnesses are a small drop in the religious bucket- why bother.
Neverknew, I think the land title is far less important than the symbolic significance of Russell's gravesite. JWB, the sun disk is associated with the Kabbalah's Sephiroth. The Watchtower is highly Kabbalistic with its emphasis on Hebrew and the tetragrammaton, Russell's use of Enochian magic, and the Watchtower concept of evil, to name a few.
From the OP:
* Both believe that the church is a secret mysterious body – whose mysteries and secrets are only given to the initiated as they progress
* Both state that members of their organisation do not need to renounce their membership in other religious bodiesAh, No, and HECK NO... The second one quoted there is DEAD wrong.
* Both believe that the church is like a pyramid
Hrumph. Well, the "pyramid" model of power and authority applies to almost every human organization. Watchtower Society gave up any belief in the Egyptian pyramids as sources of "divine inspiration", a VERY long time ago...
Who the heck resurrected this weird old thread???
Oh, that's right...
Of the honorary 33rd degree...
When all else fails, resort to dismissive ad hominems, eh James?
Ad Hominem? I awarded you the highest possible official Masonic Conspiracy honor!
The only further step upward would be to get one of those White Cadillac Eldorado convertibles and drive in the parades...