In reply to some points raised in the
Michael thread
LT wrote: Was the unity of the deity of godhead ever broken?
DD wrote: Yes, when the Father forsook the Son.
Are you sure you're answering the right question? I was explicitly talking about his deity.
I believe his spirit was shrouded from his Soul / Body, and so he would feel the separation acutely.
LT wrote: If so, was God ever less than triune?
DD wrote: No, The Son did not cease to exist, nor was he annihilated as the jw's suggest. If we have a problem with this, we probably have a pagan ideal of death, not the Hebrew ideal of separation (death).
I agree.
LT wrote: This comes back to the doctrine of the Tri-part man, as an explanation of how Christ could be foresaken and yet still remain in union.
DD wrote: I don't know about that. I don't know how we have relationships with the various parts of ourselves. We may have three parts, but, not three persons. (although after thinking about this, I catch myself talking to myself.)
It's not so much a matter of having relationships with the parts, any more than a hand has a distinct relationship with a fingernail. The human is a holistic whole.
LT wrote: It also helps us attempt to answer the question "can God die?"
DD wrote: Maybe the better question is "How can God die? not "if God can die".
Maybe you'd like to answeer that qquestion, then
WP wrote: by electronically stimulating the temporal lobes in the brain you can induce a spiritual experience - an epiphany.
A good orgasm can have some folks calling out to god, too!
LT wrote: The only basis upon which I can accept it is if you take the word "angel" to merely mean messenger or herald and apply that directly to the specific office of the "Word".
EW wrote: LT, how would this ever apply to Jesus? I dont recall that in scripture.
I don't believe it does, but some do. I'm just allowing room to maneuver for those that hold an interpretation that Michael is Jesus. I have no desire to cudgel their beliefs, and I can see their perspective. I just don't share it.
LT wrote: I don't hold that opinion, but I'm not going to fall out with my brethren who do.
EW wrote: Yeah but I'd have a "pocket knife" to grind with them (not of the axe grinding class)
EW wrote: You'll have to explain how that "oblong circle" representing Christ theory works?
It's only a philosophical construct to conceptualise how the Jesus remains "God, the Son of God", whilst physically on earth. I've added the picture to this post (along with the original one), for continuity of thread. If God is omniscient, surely he is in ever molecule, anyhow.
EW wrote: Do you think Jesus was triune in the flesh?
I think he became a tri-part man, like the rest of us. The significant difference being that his spirit was "God", of God, connected to God (?) rather than "man", of God, connected to God.