Your approach is interesting, but strikes me as deficient on several counts.
First, the observation that biblical Christianity cannot be an entirely "open" system is fair enough, but does little to justify the essentially “closed” system of the JW’s where however respectful, however qualified, the exchange of logical arguments is actively discouraged.
Second, since you have stated that you are a JW in good standing then I hardly need to remind you that JW’s believe that life belongs to Jehovah, (Ezekiel 18:4) that when life is lost by design, by accident or by negligence, those responsible are accountable with their lives (Genesis 9:5,6; Ezekiel 3:18,20; 33:6,8) and that causing the death of someone completely innocent has been one of the most detestable things to Jehovah since the time of Abel. (Proverbs 6:16,17; Genesis 4:10; Psalm 5:6; Psalm 55:23 Jeremiah 7:30,31) There seems to be no accounting in your explanation for the fact that the JW system forces Christians at times to choose between obedience to partially formed ideas and obedience to the Divine law itself. For example, if you are at all familiar with the JW blood doctrine then you are aware of at least some of the significant reversals that have occurred after nonconformity with the doctrine became a offense enforced through judicial inquiry and sanctions. (e.g. Use of serums, clotting factors, isovolemic hemodilution, cell salvage equipment.)
Third, your use of the phrase “we must not be hindered by such small details” strikes me as a flat denial of the gravity of these situations. If, for example you were the Witness parent of a child stricken with neonatal immunological deficiency syndrome during the period in the early 60’s when the Society decided that you could not be considered a Christian and allow the administration of IVIG to your child, you would have had a serious problem. Such a child can often have a sniffle in the morning, a raging fever by noon, be hospitalized with double pneumonia by evening and not survive the night without this preparation. Looking back, nearly forty years later when no one thinks twice about serum preparations and albumin can be found either as an excipient or adjuvant solution in the battery of immunizations that most children must have to attend public school, this hardly seems to be a small detail. Enforced “conformity to certain ideas that are not in fact fully formed” induced JW’s to erroneously set aside the plain and simple, crystal clear, black and white statements within the captioned scriptures and children came to harm as a result.