Another "Brother" Murders his family!!!

by ohiocowboy 23 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • ohiocowboy

    This is happening so often now, it is getting very sickening.

    Family of three murdered in Harvey

    December 1, 2004


    Vinese Bell-Kracht had decided it was time for her and her 1-year-old son, Emery, to move on with their lives.

    The 21-year-old bank clerk had had enough of the domestic abuse she said she suffered at the hands of her troubled husband of almost two years, Martin Kracht, relatives said. After the last incident more than a month ago, she'd filed charges, had him arrested and sought a restraining order against him, according to court records.

    And she had started that new life, with a new job and a new apartment.

    But Bell-Kracht's life came to a sudden and violent end Monday, police said. She, her son and her mother-in-law, Barbara Baker-Kracht, 52, were found murdered in Baker-Kracht's Harvey home. The three died at the hands of 24-year-old Martin Kracht, who less than two weeks ago moved in with the mother he allegedly killed, police and relatives said.

    Chilling discovery

    On Tuesday, members ofBell-Kracht's close-knit family gathered at their south suburban Richton Park home, struggling to understand the tragedy that had befallen the young mother, child and grandmother.

    Police made the chilling discovery of the bodies at Baker-Kracht's home in the 15000 block of South Marshfield Avenue in Harvey about 9 p.m. Monday.

    "It was a well-being check that was requested by a family member," said Harvey Police spokeswoman Sandra Alvarado.

    Shortly after the bodies were found, Harvey Police arrested Kracht on a tip from relatives, who knew he was hiding in a garage only blocks away.

    Kracht was expected to be charged with three counts of first-degree murder late Tuesday, according to Harvey Police and the Cook County State's Attorney's Office.

    "This appears to be domestic-related homicide," Alvarado said. "It was not a random act of violence. This is a senseless tragedy."

    Police would not say how the three died, but they noted none of the victims was shot.

    'Seemed like nice people'

    Neighbors in the quiet neighborhood where Baker-Kracht recently bought her home milled outside their houses, helping each other grapple with the horror.

    "When they first moved in, I came out to welcome them to the neighborhood. He and his mother seemed like nice people," Denise Lollis, who has lived across the street for 23 years, said Tuesday. "I have never, ever seen anything like this. This has been rough. It just keeps you praying."

    Police said they may never know what triggered the killings.

    Bell-Kracht's family said she had met her husband in 2002 through her brother, who had invited Martin Kracht to join the Jehovah's Witnesses faith her family practiced. Martin Kracht had attended Thornton Township North High School with Bell-Kracht's brother, Shaun Winston, graduating in 1998, Winston recalled.

    Kracht began visiting the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses at 150 E. 124th Pl., in Chicago with Winston and his family of six siblings.

    "He acknowledged he was living a life of debauchery, and said he wanted clean up life. He was baptized a Jehovah's Witness, "Winston said. "He met my sister, and they liked each other. I advised her against it," he added, choking back tears.

    Winston's advice went unheeded. The pair dated for five months before marrying. But Kracht, then living with a friend in Harvey, was unable to support his new wife, floating from job to job, Winston said. So Dennis and Sherry Harris, Bell-Kracht's parents, allowed Kracht to move in with his wife and her family in Richton Park.

    That's when the trouble started.

    "He started pushing on her and she was pregnant. One time he pushed her down," Winston said. "That was when my father talked to him, and kicked him out."

    Sought restraining order

    The abuse reportedly got worse, culminating in an October incident that resulted in Bell-Kracht seeking a restraining order against her husband, barring him from her home in Richton Park. But on Nov. 8 she appeared in court in Markham and asked that both the protection order and the abuse charges be dismissed.

    "The victim didn't wish to proceed," said Marcy Jensen, a spokeswoman for the Cook County state's attorney's office. "We don't know why."

    Last summer, relatives said, Bell-Kracht had become convinced it was time to give up on her marriage and move on. She landed a job at Charter One Bank in Homewood and only last week secured a small apartment in south suburban Steger for herself and her son.

    On Saturday, her family helped her move in, and on Sunday Kracht came to Kingdom Hall asking to see his son, her relatives said. Bell-Krachtacquiesced, letting him take the boy for a day and arranging to pick upEmeryon Monday evening.

    "But on Monday, we didn't hear from her after work, which was unusual for Vinese. We knew something had happened when the police called."

    Contributing: Stefano Esposito, Annie Sweeney, Lisa Donovan and Cheryl V. Jackson

  • candidlynuts

    thats horrible!

    Do you think there will be a special needs talk at their hall on help for domestic abuse? or on the dangers of marrying new or spiritually "weak" ones?

  • Fleur

    Not again :frowning:

  • Evesapple

    I heard this on the local news...but didn't realize they were horrible!

  • CeriseRose

    I hate stories like this. I hope remaining family can find some peace.

    The abuse reportedly got worse, culminating in an October incident that resulted in Bell-Kracht seeking a restraining order against her husband, barring him from her home in Richton Park. But on Nov. 8 she appeared in court in Markham and asked that both the protection order and the abuse charges be dismissed.

    "The victim didn't wish to proceed," said Marcy Jensen, a spokeswoman for the Cook County state's attorney's office. "We don't know why."

    Sad to say but I wouldn't be surprised if elders convinced her to try to work things out.

  • BluesBrother

    Tragedy ... Let me list some thoughts as they occurred to me.

    1- This is happening too often, whats wrong?

    2- I guess it happens to all communities and religions, they would not mention if he was Catholic

    3- Yes, but there are a lot more Catholics than dubs, it would be no big deal

    4- The JW religion always tells us that it is better than all others, what happened to brotherly love, and "spirit transforming lives?"

    I can just hear some elder putting it down to "critical times, hard to deal with" - either way, this poor young girl, her baby and her mother are dead

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    The typical witness dictum by the elders in cases of abuse is "pray more, draw closer to the congregation, study." They miss all the real issues -

    I had an experience with a sister who was being abused - the elders would not give her any help - she confided that she was about to commit suicide - and still no help - my wife and I were demonized by the local PO for giving her a shoulder to cry on - I was even subtly accused of setting myself and her up for fornication - All for being a friend in need.

    There is just no way that these untrained, uneducated, and uncaring men should be shepherding 'the flock'. It is a real travesty!

    Too many wasted lives have been reported here!


  • ohiocowboy

    Yes, it seems that every time we turn around we are hearing of the same types of tragedies. I wonder sometimes how frustrated I would be still being in a Cult, religion, or whatever one decides to call it, and how frustrating it would be to try to deal with the pressures, the false hopes, the fear, guilt, and all the other wonderful-(Sarcasm) things that emotionally damage a person. I can't fathom how someone could actually hurt their loved ones, but something seems to be triggering those people to be doing what they are doing. Yes, these same types of things happen to other people in other religions, but it seems that just in the past couple of years, there is example after example of these things happening to JW's. Seems as though a lot are going off the deep end. Murder, suicide, child abuse, rape, etc. seem to be all to common recently in the organization. It seems that even years ago, hearing of such things happened, but nothing to the extent that it is happening nowadays.

    And, yet, I still do not see the society addressing these issues, yet they still have a Gimme, Gimme, Gimme attitude, and to a much greater extent, demanding more time, more money, more of everything from these unfortunate people, many of whom have no more to give. The society does not care about the anxiety they cause their followers, as long as their coffers stay overflowing. Very sickening...

    I sincerely hope that people will start waking up to what is happening, so that they can leave before it is too late for them.

  • New Castles
    New Castles

    What i dont understand is why he killed his son. Not that the other murders are reasonable, its a horrendous crime. But I can never understand crime against children, especially your own. Unbelievable!!! I wonder what the elders are saying at that cong.

  • undercover

    Two things stand out to me, going from how it is being reported so far:

    Bell-Kracht's family said she had met her husband in 2002 through her brother, who had invited Martin Kracht to join the Jehovah's Witnesses faith her family practiced. Martin Kracht had attended Thornton Township North High School with Bell-Kracht's brother, Shaun Winston, graduating in 1998, Winston recalled.

    Kracht began visiting the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses at 150 E. 124th Pl., in Chicago with Winston and his family of six siblings.

    "He acknowledged he was living a life of debauchery, and said he wanted clean up life. He was baptized a Jehovah's Witness, "Winston said. "He met my sister, and they liked each other. I advised her against it," he added, choking back tears.

    Winston's advice went unheeded. The pair dated for five months before marrying. But Kracht, then living with a friend in Harvey, was unable to support his new wife, floating from job to job, Winston said. So Dennis and Sherry Harris, Bell-Kracht's parents, allowed Kracht to move in with his wife and her family in Richton Park.

    I see the classic, guy meets JW girl, becomes JW to get girl. Deep down, he didn't really accept the JW faith or lifestyle. Not to excuse any one person or group. I can see the CO and elders in that circuit using this example to show why JWs should marry only "in the Lord" and not even trust newly baptized ones. It would be sickening to be a family member of the deceased and hear an elder warn what could happen to you if you did what your family member did.

    Sought restraining order

    The abuse reportedly got worse, culminating in an October incident that resulted in Bell-Kracht seeking a restraining order against her husband, barring him from her home in Richton Park. But on Nov. 8 she appeared in court in Markham and asked that both the protection order and the abuse charges be dismissed.

    "The victim didn't wish to proceed," said Marcy Jensen, a spokeswoman for the Cook County state's attorney's office. "We don't know why."

    Last summer, relatives said, Bell-Kracht had become convinced it was time to give up on her marriage and move on. She landed a job at Charter One Bank in Homewood and only last week secured a small apartment in south suburban Steger for herself and her son.

    On Saturday, her family helped her move in, and on Sunday Kracht came to Kingdom Hall asking to see his son, her relatives said. Bell-Krachtacquiesced, letting him take the boy for a day and arranging to pick upEmeryon Monday evening.

    "But on Monday, we didn't hear from her after work, which was unusual for Vinese. We knew something had happened when the police called."

    The victim dropped the charges and the protection order. Knowing how JWs think and act and how elders respond in these matters, I can't help but think that maybe, just maybe this poor woman was encouraged by the elders to try to "work things out" with her spiritual head. I can't prove it of course, but all of us who were once JWs know exactly how that scenerio could have played out.

    No matter what religion anyone is, this is a horrible thing to have happen. Will the JWs become pro-active and try to find ways to keep this from happening again or will they stick their head in the sand and pretend that these things only happen to "worldly" people and those who don't "completely rely on Jehovah"? By choosing the latter, they place some of the blame of what happened on the victim. By choosing the latter, they are essentially saying, "If you had listened to us, if you had listened to Jehovah, this wouldn't have happened."


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