Nevertheless, isn't there quite a bit of speculation here? I mean, why don't we just blame the elders for this tragedy? How does anyone know that the elders asked them to "work things out" and prevent her from getting a seperation? Honestly, no one here knows the particulars of the case, at least not the "Witness" side to it.
To answer your question: "How does anyone know that the elders asked them to "work things out" and prevent her from getting a seperation?"
For the reason that every exJW here knows that this type of elder intervention is commonplace practice in the JWs and in fact forms part of their core JW beliefs. Based on everyone's personal experience they feel it is inherently likely this may have played a role.
To ridicule people for discussing this inherently likely aspect by saying "I mean, why don't we just blame the elders for this tragedy?" is really an unfair attempt at silencing this valid discussion.
If you want to suggest that people should hold back "speculations" until a full investigation comes out that's one thing but at least I have provided an explanation for you to your question "How does anyone know that the elders asked them to "work things out" and prevent her from getting a seperation?" and people here are fully justified in discussing that aspect.
Also with regard to this:
Honestly, no one here knows the particulars of the case, at least not the "Witness" side to it.
Many posters here have come to learn that it is also inherently likely that an honest answer will not come rather the truth will be suppressed in order to protect the image of Jehovah's good people. I would not be surprised if the Witness version is as it always is: One that disconnects them from have any role whatsoever.