Another "Brother" Murders his family!!!

by ohiocowboy 23 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • codeblue

    I am sitting here shaking my head after reading this latest killing. wow.......

    The religion who touts itself to be the "true religion" should never have these kinds of problems........

    (still shaking my head.....)

  • Fleur
    I can't help but think that maybe, just maybe this poor woman was encouraged by the elders to try to "work things out" with her spiritual head. I can't prove it of course, but all of us who were once JWs know exactly how that scenerio could have played out.

    oh yes! I bet they did! They probably told her to "be a better wife and pray more" which is what they told ME.

    And my family wonders why I did things exactly the way I did. They have no freaking clue.

    This woman had gotten an apartment, sounds like she was trying to get her life together. It's just so sad...

  • M.J.

    Has anyone seen this yet?

  • Mystery

    Investigation Continues In Harvey Triple Murders

  • logansrun

    What a tragedy. My heart goes out to the family.

    Nevertheless, isn't there quite a bit of speculation here? I mean, why don't we just blame the elders for this tragedy? How does anyone know that the elders asked them to "work things out" and prevent her from getting a seperation? Honestly, no one here knows the particulars of the case, at least not the "Witness" side to it.

    My mother seperated from my father before they eventually got a divorce. There was no physical abuse at all, but there was some verbal abuse (which, to be frank, was not what some people would even consider "abuse"). Yet, the elders did not prevent her from getting a seperation. Wow. Who'da thunk it?

    As for this being a common occurance (as is implied in the title thread) -- the JWs are not that small of a religion. In the US there are about a million members, with many others with quasi-Witness affiliations (sometimes people that say they are JWs are, in fact, not baptised). I'm not a statistician, but it doesn't seem like the JWs experience any more murders/heinous crimes than any other religion.


  • Fleur

    Oh the baby was so beautiful.

    This monster killed his OWN mother too in this mess.

    Completely senseless. Why the baby, why the baby???


    Yet another thing to make me believe that there cannot be a god who loves mankind.

  • mkr32208

    This just makes me so sick! I would be willing to bet lots and lots of money that those mother f*cking elders talked her into not pressing charges and dropping the restraining order. The influence of this religion for bad blows my mind!

  • ohiocowboy

    A sad thing to note though is no matter how many of these things go on, there will be JW apologists, and the Governing body who deny that there is a problem. The more that things such as this are denied and defended, especially by the leaders of the org. more time is allowed for such atrocities to continue, until it becomes sooo overwhelming that it will be extremely difficult, if not impossible to control.

    Add what just happened to all of the other murders, rapes, suicides, depression, etc. that is becoming all to common, especially in the past couple of years, then the numbers suddenly have more meaning...

    I hope the issues within the org. can soon be addressed, before any other unneeded deaths occur.

  • PopeOfEruke

    I can't wait to read about these stories in Watching The World. Pope

  • undercover
    Nevertheless, isn't there quite a bit of speculation here? I mean, why don't we just blame the elders for this tragedy? How does anyone know that the elders asked them to "work things out" and prevent her from getting a seperation? Honestly, no one here knows the particulars of the case, at least not the "Witness" side to it.

    I didn't speculate what happened. I didn't blame the elders for the tragedy. In my post, I made it clear that my perspective was based on my knowledge of how JWs work in marital strife situations. I plainly said that "maybe, just maybe" the elders counseled her. I also said that "I can't prove it" and that we as former JWs know "how that scenerio could have played out". That's one possible scenerio out of many, but as a former JW and having seen similar situations in the religion, it's a scenerio that is entirely possible. I didn't say it happened that way, but I wouldn't be surprised if it did happen that way.

    While we can't blame the elders for this tragedy, I think some responsibility for how some of these tragedies happen lies within the infrastructure of the religion, it's leaders and it's policies and practices of encouraging abused spouses to continue to put with abuses so as to not bring reproach on the organization. Not bringing reproach on the organization is resulting in the deaths of abused spouses. I, for one, would rather see a religion's name and reputation dragged through the mud than see an innocent person die.

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