Is reading a fictional story to a child (like Green Eggs and Ham) "lying" to a child?
Is allowing a child to watch fictional characters on TV - from Big Bird, to Mr. Rogers, to Pokemon, to Disney characters - "lying" to them?
The WTS makes such a big deal about how stories about Santa Claus are "lies", yet every time an adult switches on Star Trek or CSI or Bugs Bunny, they are hearing and seeing fictional stories - "lies", in effect - made up about imaginary characters.
The thing about Santa Claus is that he is claimed to give things to children that they want. And JWs only want their children to believe in the fictional character "Jehovah" to give them everything they want: like Living Forever in Paradise on Earth?; like being able to have their very own pet lion or pet giraffe in the New System?, like never being sick, or having loved ones come back from the dead. And JW kids have to be impeccably good, otherwise Jehovah will kill them at Armageddon. Santa only gives out lumps of coal to the bad kids, but he doesn't kill people like Jehovah does.
Children enjoy the magic of Christmas and Santa Claus - they figure it out a lot sooner than you realize that mom and dad are "Santa's Helpers" - but they like indulging in the fantasy. It feels good to think that there's someone who has that kind of unconditional love for them other than their parents, even if that someone only "visits" once a year. Besides, Santa Claus is based on a real person: "Saint Nicholas" - which is more than one can say about Jehovah.
Love, Scully